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Today’s News - Friday, June 29, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE: After this week of struggling with technology (and heat), and with the 4th of July holiday landing on Wednesday, we are taking a break. The daily newsletter will return when we're back at home base on Monday, July 9.

•   Gendall takes a look at how Leers Weinzapfel Associates addresses the interconnectivity of 21st-century campus environs and student experience.

•   Hume x 2: cheers for Toronto's new Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: "Though understated, the buildings are elegant, even sophisticated," and "turned out to be a community-building exercise."

•   But he continues to bemoan the city's short-sightedness when it comes to transit: it "will have nasty consequences for the whole community, not just passengers."

•   Hall Kaplan is all but starry-eyed about the High Line: even though it is "one of the most successful planning and design stories in New York City...I am skeptical of its heralded success," especially in light of it "being viewed by the community as a mixed blessing."

•   Litt outlines lessons to be learned from a study on cultural overbuilding: it "has the flavor of a morning-after reality check."

•   The first piece of Singapore's plans to be the "botanical capital of the world" is pretty impressive, with two more gigantic garden parks in the works (great pix).

•   RIBA takes umbrage with a design competition (and trend) that exploits architects.

•   Baillieu minces no words about who is at fault: a "new breed of client adviser" to local authorities "is spreading the word that architects are sitting ducks: they'll work for free...better still - they rarely complain."

•   Rose reviews the week: the new cross-Thames cable car "is a pleasure ride more than a piece of transport," the Barking Bath House, 4WTC, and Via Verde - "the type of sustainable, affordable and low-income housing project British cities are perpetually crying out for. Even more galling, it's the work of British architects."

•   Wainwright to replace Glancey as the Guardian's new Architecture and Design Critic (our heartiest congrats!).

•   A good reason to be in NYC in a couple of weeks: ONE Lab: Future Cities Summer 2012: Socio-Ecological Exploration of the Next Metropolis (an impressive line-up!).

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Parman parses "The Utopian Impulse: Buckminster Fuller and the Bay Area" at SFMOMA: it "raises timely and important questions about the regional legacy of this 'anticipatory design scientist.'"

•   "2012 New Practices New York" at NYC's Center for Architecture puts the spotlight on the seven winning firms in the NPNY competition.

•   Chan reports on high hopes for new opera about Louis Kahn's turbulent life (and melodies that "attempt to mimic the brickwork of his buildings") to be performed in two of his buildings.

•   Loukissas's "Co-Designers: Cultures of Computer Simulation in Architecture" looks at the "ongoing negotiation about what constitutes the work of architects versus that of engineers."

•   The collection of essays in "Ruins" explores "decay aesthetics in a constantly evolving succession of ontological contexts."


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