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Today's News - February 8, 2007

Future planners: "They aren't just petty-minded conservatory-deniers." -- Austin thinks vertical with VMU (vertical mixed use) zoning (and a slew of other alphabet soups). -- In China, pesky antiquities getting in the way of Olympic construction (unless the bulldozers or looters get there first). -- London Olympic plans have great green goals - and skeptics. -- Valentine's Day will have London architects speed dating to woo 2012 Olympic planners (we couldn't resist this one). -- Q&A with Salt Lake City's oh-so-green mayor. -- A green jewel teaches by example in Georgia. -- The high-stake challenges for building industry professionals and homeland security. -- What's in store for decommissioned historic military bases? -- In Colorado, Longmont Museum o.k.'s addition (now wait for the money to pay for it). -- Abu Dhabi courts another big cultural fish. -- Kamin on AIA's 150 favorite buildings list: "studded with surprises sure to make architects and architecture critics cringe." -- Call for entries: Archi-Tech AV Awards for integrating technology into otherwise traditional construction projects. -- Davidson's take on exhibits that reappraise Robert Moses. -- Ouroussoff finds "Clip/Stamp/Fold" exhibit a "piercing critique" our contemporary design culture.

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