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Today's News - January 24, 2005

ArcSpace explores Caltrans HQ in L.A. -- Thames Gateway plans lack vision say some notable visionaries. -- Some preservationists not happy with plans to alter Lincoln center open spaces. -- L.A. wants to take its river back. -- American beats out Brits for big green U.K. project. -- Building boom for private schools. -- Oregon museum reborn. -- One big roof for arts and athletics in West Vancouver. -- New documentary about FLW's "magnificent obsession" with all things Japanese. -- Developers make friends by backing preservation. -- Madrid hotel designed by starchitects could be home to the stars or "aesthetic overkill." -- A glass tower in Dublin offers life in a goldfish bowl. -- Holyrood called the "anit-icon icon." -- Karim Rashid and Daniel Libeskind making their marks.

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