
Today’s News - Wednesday, January 15, 2020

●  Elbein takes a deep dive into the growing popularity of mass timber skyscrapers that have "a particular utopian appeal among a certain set of architects and designers," but it "depends on something that is disappearing: a steady climate and forests - can we grow enough trees to keep pace?" (fascinating - spend the time on this one!).

●  Kamin rates "Chicago's "remarkable collection of new public spaces by the three 'E's: They're better on entertainment and ecology than equity - they've had a greater impact on daily life than knock-your-eyes-out buildings that have gone up," but "they sometimes emerged as disruptive forces - accelerants for gentrification and displacement."

●  Dallas landscape architect Kevin Sloan explains how, "if Chicago can rewild its river, we can too," but it seems "Dallas can't find the will to do," even though rewilding "is sweeping the world - you and I are the ones who can do it."

●  Litt lauds Cleveland's Red Line Greenway trail that "shows great promise, despite ugly duckling start - it will benefit more than 50,000 residents in poor and middle-class neighborhoods" (not all are thrilled).

●  Recently released data shows NYC ferries have "been a plaything of the rich almost from the jump. Ferries help the poor? That's rich."

●  Moore, on a brighter note, cheers OMA's Brighton College Sports and Science Centre ("for jocks and nerds") - "Hogwarts meets George Lucas. You would not expect it because no English private school has built anything quite like this before" (with a few quibbles).

●  FMZD "imagined a vertical street to replace the traditional packed shopping mall" in transforming a concrete structure in Tehran into a "contextual" mall.

●  Breuer's building in New Haven, Connecticut, to become a boutique hotel and conference center that "celebrates the design of the tower," be "all-electric," and the first in the U.S. to meet Passivhaus standards.

●  Welton walks us through the evolution of the Carolina School of architecture that started with "a chance encounter between Frank Harmon and Harwell Hamilton Harris" that "became the genesis of our own genre of regional modernism," and parses "three generations of Carolina modernists leaving their imprints on the Triangle for decades to come."

●  Mafi rounds up "the 11 most anticipated buildings of 2020 - while we are still searching for the sky's upper limits, new focus has narrowed on designing eco-friendly structures, and more affordable housing."

●  A great round-up of "the best-designed travel destinations for 2020 in Kampala, Marrakech, Los Angeles, Brussels, Belgium, Tbilisi ("welcome to the new Berlin"), Glasgow, Tokyo, and Zurich.

●  Glancey introduces us to the John Laing photo archive that captures "a bygone era when builders wore jacket and tie to work," now being digitized by Historic England - with the first batch available online this week.

●  The Chicago Architecture Center's "Girls Build" program is "aimed at inspiring young girls interested in science, engineering and technology."

●  ICYMI: ANN Feature: David Brussat: Lesson Plan #8: Petition of the British Architecture School Inmates: Students are taught how to tinker with computers and plug into a corporate design culture that aids and abets precisely what drives the petitioners to seek reform.


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