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Today’s News - Thursday, November 10, 2016

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomorrow and Monday will be no-newsletter days. We'll be back Tuesday, November 15.

•   Artsy sees "a new hope" for the Lucas Museum in L.A.: "this time around Angelinos have a good shot at winning the museum - a long, lean spaceship with gardens woven into its roof and flowing underneath" by Ma Yansong (w/great images from the actual collection!).

•   Zeiger's great Q&A with Gadanho re: his new gig heading a new museum in Lisbon that "aspires to be more than just another signature building" (he doesn't "believe in architects doing art installations - they're very bad at it, and everybody recognizes it except for architects themselves" - ouch!).

•   O'Sullivan x 2: he parses what "could be the biggest task yet for the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge - challenging Latin American cities to change."

•   He's not at all convinced by "a growing and misguided trend" to turn "infrastructure into flashy playgrounds - it assumes we're all idiots who cannot be influenced by anything but the desire for distraction."

•   Goldberger delves deep into how Heatherwick "became the Pied Piper of architecture - he's pushed the limits of possibility, and created unconventional and controversial results in the process."

•   Lee parses the recent Equity by Design symposium in San Francisco and ponders: "Is there a 'pink ghetto' within architecture?"

•   Woods' "Women Architects in India" puts the spotlight on these too often unsung professionals: "Nearly 44% of India's 58,646 registered architects are women -.that's pretty impressive," but they "have to contend with a field that isn't always hospitable."

•   Green reports on a discussion about the dearth of diversity in landscape architecture: "Unfortunately, the profession is still overwhelmingly white," but "increasingly-diverse clients want to see someone who looks like themselves on the other side of the table." - Harvard GSD and Perkins+Will launch the Philip Freelon Fellowship Fund "to provide assistance to African American and minority students."

•   Trump's "astonishing victory has turned the world of climate action upside down" (we're still trying to grok a government made up of so many (too many!) climate deniers).

•   Brussat on Trump's triumph: "It's hard to say what, if anything, his victory may mean for architecture. One suggestion: He should see to it that an early grave is dug by Congress for Frank Gehry's Ike memorial design.

•   Dunne ponders the Mexican firm Estudio 3.14's take on Trump's border wall - it's a "pink homage to Luis Barragán."

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Giovannini cheers DS+R's Chareau show at NYC's Jewish Museum: "The architects manage to deliver delight to the kind of design show that is usually DOA."

•   Lange lauds DS+R's Chareau show: the "technological feats make the retrospective far more inventive and topical than it has any right to be" (the Maison de Verre "makes those other glass houses look a little bit lazy').

•   The Cooper Hewitt's "By the People: Designing a Better America" gives space to socially-responsible design "that is rarely presented to a greater audience" and sets "a strong precedent for other design museums - hopefully, they will follow its lead."

•   Davidson cheers two new Jane Jacobs tomes, but saves the best for Jonathan Rose, "a do-gooder developer and urban advice-giver who stockpiles common sense in 'The Well-Tempered City.'"

•   Q&A with Marwa al-Sabouni re: "The Battle for Home: Memoir of a Syrian Architect" and her "vision to transform her ideas into reality."

•   Caldwell's great Q&A with Serraino re: "The Creative Architect: Inside the Great Midcentury Personality Study": Why was the study not published? "That is the biggest mystery of all."

•   "Hong Kong Architecture 1945-2015: From Colonial to Global" traces the city's "transformation from a tiny island to a modern urban metropolis - urban planners and architects have done a decent job."

•   Betsky gives two thumbs-ups to the monograph "An Te Liu" that celebrates "one of the best post-architects I know."



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