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Today’s News - Wednesday, September 21, 2016

•   ArcSpace brings us Tory-Henderson's take on DSDHA's Corner House that "redefines a corner block in central London."

•   Hail to NYC's landmarks commission for calendaring to consider Roche and Dinkeloo's Po-Mo Ambassador Grill & Lounge for landmark status (our fingers are crossed!).

•   Brussat fairly bristles over Ike's family now supporting Gehry's Eisenhower Memorial: it's "depressing, and maybe even predictable, but it's too early for opponents of the monstrosity to throw in the towel."

•   Misra reports on Romero's "utopian vision for a walkable city straddling the U.S.-Mexico border" - such "hyperconnected urban centers" could become "the most powerful actors on a global stage."

•   Costs may have doubled for Kuma's V&A Dundee, "but funders keep faith" that it will create a Bilbao effect.

•   Rosenbaum gives a shout-out to an under-the-radar Adjaye project in Harlem as critical acclaim swirls around his African American museum in D.C.

•   Newhouse cheers Piano's "stunning hilltop complex" with a 42-acre park in Athens that "creates an oasis for the Greek people in austere times" (great pix).

•   A round-up of 5 solar-powered buildings "that will forever change architecture."

•   Eyefuls of the four shortlisted designs in Sydney's Kensington and Kingsford: K2K Urban Design Competition.

•   Cheers to the five design leaders taking home Arch Record's 2016 Women in Architecture Award!

•   Zellner explains why "architectural education is broken" and what needs to be done to fix it - starting with ending "academic cult worship" (a great read!).

•   Kamin gets the skinny on what we can expect from the next Chicago Architecture Biennial in 2017, with high hopes it will be more focused "than the sprawling first event" that left some "bewildered."

•   Pacific Standard Time, a.k.a. PST:LA/LA, lays out its big plans for its "Southern California-wide arts extravaganza" next year.

•   Westlake Reed Leskosky joins DLR Group (we're glad they're not ditching either name).

•   A round-up of 18 of the "best-designed, most useful architecture firm websites" - and a few that are technically flawed, but "have designs that some people can't resist."

•   Call for entries: Applications for the Graham Foundation's 2017 Carter Manny Award for Ph.D. students + Deadline reminder: A' Design Award & Competition.

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