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Today’s News - Thursday, June 27, 2013

•   ArcSpace brings us Teyssot's "latest, brilliant book," Zaha on view at the Danish Architecture Center, and a tribute to Henning Larsen.

•   Lots of architects have lots of opinions about Scotland's new architecture policy ("it's just people saying nice things"; "England was never as brave!").

•   San Francisco looks at establishing four types of eco-districts.

•   Olcayto weighs in on the Heatherwick/Atopia Olympic Cauldron controversy: "Who should we believe?"

•   Anderton's DnA has Horton and Walker talking about designing couples with Scott Brown, and Mizutani and Luddy.

•   Wainwright on the "girl gap" in engineering and whether design can "persuade more women to enter the male-dominated field" (one female engineer's solution: "We need to make it glamorous").

•   Pogrebin reports on construction changes at the Whitney, post-Sandy: it "will be a temple of American art and a model of storm protection" ("If the water comes up that high we'll have a lot more to worry about than art," says the museum's director).

•   Cramer cautions about the "danger of insensitive renovations" of Weese's DC Metro stations: "The Eisenhower and MoMA scraps have garnered widespread media attention, but the Metro situation has yet to emerge as a cause célèbre."

•   King is more optimistic about a small expansion at the California Academy of Sciences: Cavagnero's design "looks to be a subdued jewel in dialogue with Piano's elegant machine-like box."

•   Gehry ruminates on his Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, and "why it's hard these days to find a benevolent dictator with taste" (in Foreign Policy magazine, no less).

•   Szenasy cheers two competitions and a way of judging that "gives design work the meaning, dignity, importance, and relevance it deserves...So, I must ask, why we are still spending time debating pictures...?"

•   Eyefuls of the 2013 North American Copper in Architecture Awards.

•   One we couldn't resist: "I am an Architect" rap video is "a viral hit that proves architects do have a sense of humor" (it made us laugh, though we wish we knew who those arch/rappers are!).


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