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Today’s News - Tuesday, June 25, 2013

•   A review (by yours truly) of Oren Safdie's "False Solution" at La MaMa in Manhattan (only a few days left to see it!).

•   The Eisenhower Memorial Commission approves Gehry's design: "The Eisenhower family 'deserves to be heard, but does not deserve to be obeyed.'" (not all are pleased) + Gehry's letter to the commission.

•   Architects lambast the "virtual secrecy" surrounding the decision process that "will determine up to $2?billion of casino-led development on some of Sydney's most lucrative waterfront" (proposals are "more suited to Macau" and "vulgar Americanism").

•   Brussat blasts Brown/RISD student-designed master plans for Providence's Route 195 land: it "says far less about the 17 students' impressive talent than about the less-than-impressive state of architectural and design education in America today."

•   Bwalya takes on the need for Zambians to adjust to urban environments that require understanding "gadgets that are used to, say control pedestrian and vehicular movements, including traffic lights and traffic signs" (and trash cans).

•   Scotland launches a national architecture policy "stressing the importance of enriching people's lives through quality buildings and places" along with an A+DS annual review of emerging Scottish design practices.

•   Rinaldi cheers that "business is back for architecture, but the recession changed the game": firms have "learned to operate in ways that are faster, humbler and leaner...making buildings that are smaller, smarter and greener."

•   Hosey explains how "more women in architecture could mean more environmental progress."

•   Dunlap reports on another (rather stunning) JFK terminal faces the wrecking ball, this time it's Pan Am's "flying saucer": "'endangered' may be an understatement. 'Doomed' is more like it." + It's among NTHP's 2013 List of America's Most Endangered Historic Places.

•   Siza and Souto de Moura design a Serpentine-like (i.e. temporary) pavilion for São Paolo's most important green space "to generate a dialogue between the Brazilian and Portuguese architecture communities."

•   Six on the shortlist for developments in Sydney's CBD: "More developers may be realizing the advantages of the competition process."

•   AIA changes criteria for Gold Medal Award: Venturi and Scott Brown "have applied for the Gold Medal in the past but were never eligible as a duo - until now" (attention Pritzker people!).

•   One we couldn't resist: Google doodle celebrates Gaudí's 161st birthday today.

•   Goodyear has high hopes that HUD's "unusually ambitious" Rebuild by Design competition will be more than typical "beauty contests" and "exercises in vanity."

•   Call for entries: HUD RFQ for Rebuilding by Design Post-Sandy + 2014 AIA Honor Awards + Urban Intervention Award Berlin 2013 and Urban Living Award 2013 + The Great Indoors Award 2013: "The Nature of Things."


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