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Today’s News - Tuesday, April 9, 2013

•   Ruminations on Thatcher and British architects/architecture: Baillieu calls her "a revolutionary who destroyed more than she built" (but she did make "a lot of architects very, very rich").

•   Winston breaks down the "5 things Margaret Thatcher did (or didn't do) for architecture."

•   Waite weighs in with opinions from a bunch of architects that range from "she was absolutely the right person at that time" to she was "mostly detrimental."

•   Russell volunteers to work a workshop for post-Sandy victims, and finds "a deep divide between planners who must design and build for future disasters and victims still coping with discomfort, deprivation and red tape - stuck in rebuilding limbo."

•   Public reaction to 3 new Christchurch Cathedral design options is mixed.

•   Some familiar names (Long, Farrelly, Woodman, etc.) mince no words about what they think of some of the cathedral options: "architecturally illiterate"; "from cold architectural cleverness to outright Salt Lake City vulgarity"; "alternatives look painfully voguish."

•   Hume has high hopes for Toronto's Eglinton Crosstown light rail line: "it will change the street from end to end and for better or worse, drag it into the modern age."

•   Eyefuls of Hadid's first skyscraper in the West: the 62-story residential tower is "another feather in the cap of Miami's star-studded renewal" ($4 to $30 million units with helipad included).

•   Eyefuls of the now-completed Australian Garden in Melbourne, carved out of a former sand quarry.

•   Svigals tackles collaboration: "It's more complicated than we think."

•   Profiles of the Next City Vanguard, "8 emerging urban leaders spurring change and transforming their communities."

•   Brussat puts out a call to the "greybeards at the APA" heading to Chicago: he'd like to know if anyone remembers his dad, William K. Brussat, who headed the city's Office of Housing & Redevelopment in the 1950s.

•   Two we couldn't resist: Capps brings us architectural artist Laubin's vision for a Driehaus City made up of buildings designed by every Driehaus Prize winner (it's something else!).

•   Two FLW homes in the Bay Area are for sale, but "don't seem to be getting lots of love" (they're pretty pricey - but great slide shows!).

•   Call for entries: Deadline extended for VMSD 2013 Retail Renovation Competition.


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