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Today’s News - Tuesday, September 11, 2012

•   On the 11th anniversary of 9/11: an "exquisite web-based 9/11 Memorial (with promises the museum will be completed by 2012) + commemorative time-lapse videos of Ground Zero developments.

•   Nearing the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street movement, Walljasper has a timely take on the "fall and rise of great public spaces...they are the starting point for community, commerce and democracy."

•   Reed looks to the future of walkable urban spaces: a new report "vindicates smart growth policies," but we still have a way to go.

•   A promising sign: "Steps to a Walkable Community" offers "innovative tactics" to encourage walking in all kinds of communities.

•   A look at how ZEBs (net-zero buildings) are gaining traction that should assuage "underlying industry fear that the green building sector will bust."

•   Even though "a few kinks" have to be worked out, PlaNYC's first annual building energy consumption report offers "a few surprising revelations" that should be of interest to other cities.

•   High hopes surround Detroit's participation in ProsperUS, a national "place-based community development strategy."

•   Gratz minces now words about what New Orleans has lost with LSU's "bad decision" to demolish Charity Hospital: beyond the loss of a hospital, it's causing "the destruction of a reviving working class neighborhood and the loss of irreplaceable historic structures and local businesses - and the new losses keep coming."

•   Hill conducts "a short international survey" of a number of firms re: why they chose storefront offices "to find out why how it affects their practice, and if they'd recommend the same to others."

•   Esperdy offers a must-read: "The Incredible True Adventures of the Architectress in America": women in architecture have traveled "pretty far - but not far enough" (an insightful and engaging read).

•   How could we not follow with the headline: "Awesome Woman Alert": Berke wins $100,000 Berkeley-Rupp Prize (yay Deborah! So will Pritzker Prize will ever amend Scott Brown's omission?).

•   Robbins has issues with TEDTalks: the "slogan shouldn't be 'Ideas worth spreading,' it should be: 'Ego worth paying for'" (after our own many hours spent, we tend to disagree).

•   A review of the Biennale: it "makes a profound statement about the common ground that architects share": they "must strive to uphold the relevancy of architecture as a force for positive change."

•   Sudjic pays tribute to Moggridge: "He was the softly spoken, diffident and modest antithesis of the designer showmen of the 1980s."

•   BD's Architect of the Year Awards 2012 shortlist announced (it's really long).

•   An eyeful of "10 Awesome Bookstores Repurposed from Unused Structures" (no architects credited, but what an eyeful!).

•   Call for entries: 2012 IALD International Lighting Design Awards.

•   ArchNewsThen: September 11, 2002.


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