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Today’s News - Friday, December 10, 2010

•   Kamin names his Top 10 best architecture picks for 2010: in "a brutal year for architects" these "shone through the gloom" (he promises his picks for worst will follow).

•   In "a rare bow by a Russian official to public opinion," it seems that plan to relocate the Gazprom tower from St. Petersburg's historic center is now official.

•   An eyeful of MAKE Architects' aluminum-clad UBS HQ in London (with a few 1980s Arup buildings biting the dust to make way).

•   A great Q&A with Coletta and Barton re: their Give a Minute project "to reinvent public participation in America for the 21st century" (very cool - and coming to a city near you!).

•   A report from Israel re: the Rehovot Conference on poverty and sustainability - and rays of hope from sustainable development initiatives around the world.

•   ArchitectureBoston goes thoroughly "Un-Modern": we couldn't pick which were our faves, so we leave it up to you.

•   Brussat brings us an eyeful of "Atlanta's bold new old buildings" despite "height and glitz remaining the order of the day."

•   An excerpt (and terrific slide show) from Eggener's "Cemeteries": they "more than any other designed landscapes communicate grand social and metaphysical ideas."

•   An eyeful of the winners of the 2010 Faith & Form/IFRAA International Awards for Religious Art and Architecture.

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Huxtable hails Yale's (and Vidler's) James Stirling show as a "must-see": "Once we have gotten the glitz and bling of recent years out of our eyes, we will see Stirling as the innovator he really was, a man towering over his contemporaries, far ahead of his time."

•   Hawthorne hails Stephen Kanner retrospective at L.A.'s Architecture & Design Museum: the "richly layered exhibition" proves he was "a quiet cosmopolitan" who saw his city as "a clean, bright, modern, can-do place where the buildings were handsome."

•   The Art Institute of Chicago "Hyperlinks" architecture and design to "suggest a paradigm shift that is occurring across both fields."

•   In Tokyo, "Global Ends: Towards the Beginning" is "an ambitious project" (and some ambitious architects) that "seeks to address crucial issues of architecture today."

•   MoMA's lobby is "abloom with terrariums in biomorphic containers" that "add life to the space in an oddly sensuous way" (we want one!).

•   Neither Cotter nor Lange are taken by "Leonardo's Last Supper: A Vision by Peter Greenaway" at NYC's Park Avenue Armory: it's a "big, expensive, technological-bells-and-whistles-to-the-max dud" where you'll probably find yourself "being beaten into sonic submission" (double-ouch!).

•   The Dirt picks Best Books of 2010 for "your favorite designer or built environment policy wonk."

•   Gardner and Donoghue find hits ("Joseph Wells is the discovery here") - and misses - in "Triumvirate: McKim, Mead & White."


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