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Today’s News - Thursday, December 9, 2010

•   Boston continues its quest to humanize City Hall plaza, and architects are welcoming the chance to come up with low-cost improvement ideas that, with any luck, can be implemented next year.

•   McPhee begs to differ: the Boston Redevelopment Authority "should leaf it alone" - Boston "is supposed to be built of brick and mortar. It's a city, for heaven's sake."

•   Iovine cheers Thom's Arena Stage, both as a catalyst for rejuvenating the neighborhood, and as a space that "offers not so much a coherent design vision as an experience of exhilarating activity."

•   In Australia, high hopes that the new Cairns Style Guide "will affect the way architects and developers think about building in Queensland's far north."

•   An AIA Trends survey finds the down economy is altering the residential real estate landscape (much of it creating an uptick in the right direction).

•   An eyeful of Arup's oh-so-green design of a "model stadium" that convinced FIFA officials to award Qatar the 2022 World Cup.

•   King cheers six entries for Emeryville arts center for being "vibrant provocations, pushing us to rethink how a cultural building can define and engage a community" (but presentations are "classic examples of information overload" - the architects "don't know when to stop" - link to pix and you decide).

•   In the U.K., an eyeful of Richard Murphy Architects' winning design for Whitehaven Harbour mixed-use competition: the "response to a challenging brief is delightful" (though it came last in an online poll of shortlisted designs - go figure).

•   And an impressive shortlist for the recently burned down Hastings Pier revamp (alas, no pix).

•   DawnTown Miami Design competition winners offer innovative designs for a seaplane terminal on an island in downtown Miami (great presentation).

•   Interior Design Best of Year 2010 winners (an impressive list, but not much info).

•   Call for entries: The City of Dreams 2011 Pavilion, 2011 FIGMENT Mini-golf Course, and NYC 2011 Sculpture Garden (all on NYC's Governors Island) + 20th Annual Inform Awards (Mid-Atlantic States only).


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