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Today’s News - Wednesday, December 8, 2010

•  Parman has some serious doubts about plans to develop Saltworks: "The uphill battle to add density to Bay Area cities reflects widespread reservations about the smart-growth formula, especially when it's imposed without any real sensitivity or imagination" (and despite being led by "smart growth's founding father" Calthorpe).

•   Perhaps they should have attended MWA Waterfront Conference in NYC last week, where attendees "represented are the beginnings of the group that must come together with a collective vision...15% does not a social movement make."

•   Is northern Spain ready for "the Niemeyer effect"? (ya never know - throw in some Brad Pitt, Graft Architects, and Norman Foster...) + An interesting Q&A with the almost-103-year-old master himself: "Architecture has to be pretty. It has to amaze; to be a masterpiece. I always try to bring beauty and amazement."

•   Green light for another phase at Sydney's Central Park: a pair of "as yet unnamed" residential towers (green walls included).

•   An eyeful of San Diego Convention Center expansion plans (it might be difficult to keep conventioneers inside with a very cool 5-acre park on the roof!).

•   Morgan marvels at St. Florian's bridge pylons that could create a strong architectural identity for Charlotte, which "forever seems to be one of those Sun Belt skylines in search of a city."

•   A thoroughly amusing tour of Beekman Tower ('er, 8 Spruce St. now) with Gehry himself: "Look! You can see Connecticut. Sarah Palin could see China!"

•   Kamin revisits Stern's "illuminating collection of essays" and ponders "which city is the center of America's architectural universe?" His take: "Bye-bye, 1979...Hey, New York - start spreadin' the news: It's a multi-polar architectural world out there. Deal with it" (ouch!).

•   An enlightening video tour of NYC with "lighting urbanist" Schwendinger.

•   Waldheim named new consulting Curator of Landscape for Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

•   Architects (2) among the 50 recipients of USA Fellowships for 2010.

•   We are truly saddened to hear the news that Worldchanging is closing its doors by the end of the year (and hope their invaluable archives will remain accessible).

•   Call for presentations: ASLA 2011 Annual Meeting, "Landscape Architecture Rising." + Call for entries: ASLA 2011 Professional and Student Awards.

•   We couldn't resist bringing you The Happy Planet Index (serious info included).


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