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Today’s News - Tuesday, December 7, 2010

•   We could almost hear hopeful cheers at news that alternative locations could be considered for the much-maligned Gazprom tower in St. Petersburg (UNESCO will be watching).

•   Heymann's second in "Landscape with Buildings" series takes on architecture and "nature-ization."

•   Architects are challenged to take advantage of Big Oil fabricators: "All these fabricators are working for the energy industry, making really large stuff...Architecture is way behind the curve."

•   Kazovsky is smitten with Piano's architecture of "vulnerability" on a Pacific Island.

•   U.K.'s retail giant Tesco hopes to "shake off its reputation for poor architecture" with first store design via a competition (this should be good news, though you wouldn't know it from the comments).

•   Lewis falls in love all over again with Saarinen's Dulles Airport: "Owing to the clarity of its dynamic, metaphoric geometry, its aesthetic quality also has endured, transcending shifting architectural trends."

•   Five firms shortlisted to design next year's courtyard in MoMA/P.S.1 Young Architects Program.

•   King gets a kick out of many of the artful offerings by starchitects in a benefit auction for San Francisco's Center for Architecture and Design, and cheers AIACC award winners + Full list of winners (in a terrific presentation!).

•   Critic MacCash's top five DesCours picks: the annual avant-garde architectural exhibit "lives up to its reputation as the most unpredictable of New Orleans' art outings" (wish we were there!).

•   Behre cheers AIA Charleston's design competition winners.

•   Call for entries: Trimo Urban Crash 3rd international student design competition (winning entry will be built in Ljubljana, Slovenia).


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