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Today's News - Wednesday, May 21, 2008

-- Huxtable on architectural follies: Gehry's Serpentine "does not disappoint," but not completing Utzon's vision for Sydney Opera House "would be world-class folly."
-- 2008 America's 11 Most Endangered Places.
-- No rescue in sight for Berlin's Tempelhof Airport: How sad.
-- Russell on "scary NYU plans" and St. Vincent hospital "horror": can Greenwich Village "survive the onslaught?"
-- Meanwhile, St. Vincent's revamps plans: are they better?
-- Prospects for Ground Zero arts center seem to be fading.
-- Flight 93 Memorial design debate doesn't abate.
-- A new player for NYC's Hudson Yards.
-- Tiny Monaco has inventive expansion plans could set a precedent for other coastal expansions; studying five bids "in top secrecy."
-- King explores a San Francisco neighborhood that shows the city's future today.
-- An in-depth look at the "twisting tale" of Chicago Spire: will it get built?
-- Uganda gets a new tower: a "a furry green beast of a building."
-- An 81-story super slim tower for Dubai.
-- 2012 Olympics Athletes' Village design team whittled down to 18.
-- An eyeful of UNStudio's Manhattan tower.
-- The engineer as architect debate: will it create a hybrid profession?
-- Former CABE head says London's planning sector is over-reliant on Australians.
-- Dyckhoff on Kew Gardens' "quietly iconic" Xstrata Treetop Walkway.
-- Berlin Philharmonie escapes severe fire damage.
-- The owner of Neutra's Kaufmann House bids it goodbye; Kahn's Esherick House still up for sale.
-- 2008 SCUP/AIA-CAE Excellence in Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Architecture Award winners.

World Architecture Festival Awards

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