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Today's News - Friday, February 8, 2008

Is the Middle East "construction heaven" or a recipe for firms to become overcommitted? -- Building boom in India a boon to architects (and architecture schools). -- Hong Kong developers cashing in on starchitect cachet. -- Boddy bemoans that the density debate in Vancouver is getting un-civil just as the rest of the world is championing "Vancouverization." -- Parman protests: why does NYC get a "fresh Nouvel" while San Francisco settles for "Pelli's leftovers." -- Hume fumes over "insider" jury for Sugar Beach plan pick. -- Plans to build a city under Amsterdam's canals (if you can't float 'em, then sink 'em?). -- A call to not discard historic buildings' natural sustainability in craze to build new green buildings. -- U.K.'s National Trust has green plans for ancient castles. -- This depressed us: "Studies deem biofuels a greenhouse threat." -- Goldhagen marvels at Miralles's "truly revolutionary" ability to "slow complexity down" (unlike the "digitally besotted fortysomething generation of architects"). -- A profile of the man who rescued La Maison Tropicale. -- Weekend diversions: Farrelly's "Blubberland" sure to stir things up. -- "USA" by Wright is "a rich, inspiring and highly intelligent account of an exceedingly complex story." -- Saga of FLW in NYC is "a cleverly written book and delicious read." -- A Tokyo show of two Japanese architects working in China is "a brief historical moment in Sino-Japanese relations." -- In D.C., photos of the city's "accidental architecture," and on view in Beirut, an anthology of modern architecture. -- A rare tour of FLW's La Miniatura textile-block house in Pasadena.

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