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Today's News - Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Famous female" (a.k.a. Hadid) wins big in Michigan (we couldn't resist link to fly-through). -- The Hyperstructure Concept: is building big - and up - really a solution? -- First city in City of the Future competition offers "mostly bleak projections" for D.C. -- A stroll though and assessment of the "avalanche of building" going on in the Capital of Culture, Liverpool (once the "feelbad capital of Britain"). -- New Orleans riverfront plan gets a green light. -- It's sort of a he-said-he-said re: Edinburgh waterfront plans. -- LEED on the hot seat in Wisconsin and Tacoma (why spend so much - why not build green without certification cost?). -- Trump Soho is a sad site. -- Demolition delayed (for now) of Philip Johnson house ($3 million and it can be yours!). -- Chicago details 2016 Olympic costs - and promises no white elephants (where have we heard that before?). -- A "down-to-earth brand of tropical Modernism" in Mexico. -- A portfolio of notable civic projects. -- EOI and RFQ for two intriguing U.K. projects. -- A look at Eliasson's NYC waterfalls. -- We couldn't resist SPACKLE (start a chapter in your town!).

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