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Today's News - March 22, 2006

We lose an African American architect who designed black campuses and much more. -- "A new appreciation for exile and neglect" as a white man gets a taste of what it's like to be black in post-Katrina New Orleans. -- Design as the "secret weapon" of business in the 21st century. -- "The sprawl brawl," and a new wave of scholars challenging assumptions. -- Sustainable design is smart design - and doesn't mean giving up good design. -- The smart part doesn't flush right for plumbers union and a green skyscraper in Philadelphia. -- Island dreams in San Francisco and Edinburgh don't quite float for some. -- And Edinburgh's design czar has big plans - perhaps a bit too big. -- Vienna names winner in Holocaust memorial competition. -- The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust building a future. -- A Japanese architect wins 2006 Steedman Fellowship with design of an environmental observatory. -- A doghouse is inspiration for a collapsible cottage.

EXHIBITION: Barcelona in Progress




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