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Today's News - February 6, 2006

ArcSpace offers a sharp look at the Sharp Centre. -- International RFQ for Toronto's waterfront development. -- Beijing's building frenzy may backfire. -- Designing for the GSA now means doing more for less - seen an opportunity, not a burden. -- Too good to be true? Proposals for New Jersey waterfront town include a tax-free option for current residents. -- A new London housing estate "is an overdue return to modernist ideals...a piece of the Mediterranean that accidentally drifted up the Thames like an iceberg." -- Big plans and high hopes (finally) for NYC's Governors Island. -- A call for the public to be more demanding about public spaces in India. -- A Rudolph masterpiece set to be razed. -- An Oubrerie gem saved from the wrecking ball. -- Owner vows to rebuild Wright's Wyant House (but those pesky perfectionist preservationists...). -- van Schaik is passionate about Melbourne's young and innovative architects. -- Adjaye as a modern-day Robin Hood. -- A lively report from the TED Conference. -- The best design shows are in New York, Boston, and London.




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