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Today's News - October 11, 2005

Confusion over who's in charge poses flood risk for London's flood plain. -- Cleveland hopes for a Dutch invasion to "think outside the pretty little box." -- High hopes for a neighborly development in L.A.'s increasingly dense Little Tokyo. -- Three eloquent musings on San Francisco's de Young museum. -- MoMA's "SAFE: Design Takes On Risk" sparks "FEAR: Design for Scaredy-Cats": New York has become too safe with boring architecture and culture gagged. -- Detroit museum expansion plays it too safe, too. -- An architectural survey of mega-churches: the holy and the hokey. -- A new synagogue is "ebullient, life-affirming design" that counters "the stagnation and pessimism that now pervade Greater Cleveland" (still waiting for the Dutch). -- Restored 1935 British masterpiece ready for its close-up. -- Many Tokyo redevelopment projects to include "design museums" (their quotes, not ours). -- Atlanta anticipates influx of big bucks when Symphony Center opens. -- A Wright revival on view in Pittsburgh. -- Two we couldn't resist: an architect builds his dream machine (motorcycle, that is). -- The "UK's least prestigious architectural award" courtesy of our friends at SPA.




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