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Today's News - October 10, 2005

ArcSpace brings us a museum as landscape in Taiwan, Prouvé on view, and a book on where architecture is heading in the 21st century. -- Why New Orleans sank: "America's commitment to infrastructure coming undone." -- Rebuilding the Gulf Coast: public charrettes need to ask the right questions. -- University of Louisiana School of Architecture and Design issues "A Call for Odes and Ideas, Proposals and Strategies and Everything in Between." -- Sudjic on the Stirling Prize: "The real problem...has been its failure to come up with a coherent sense of what the award is for." -- New York Times HQ: the client "is taking an aggressively active role." -- Toronto's high-design fever - but will it be able to afford it once it's built? -- San Francisco's crash course in contemporary architecture. -- Washington, DC's newest glass box says "pow," but perhaps a bit too quietly; but design of its sidewalk security is most appealing. -- A look at the lasting appeal of a London 60s icon. -- Utzon and his opera house, at last the way he wanted to see it in the first place. -- A prefab house that is "exceptionally beautiful" may be "the future of American housing." -- There's much architects can learn from Sherlock Holmes.




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