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Today's News - May 4, 2005

We're b-a-a-a-c-k (with lots of catching up to do)! ----- Ground Zero back in the headlines, with suggestion that architects and planners actually talk to each other (what a concept!); LMDC president's resignation adds to the uncertainty. -- New studies look at affordable housing for working families. -- New urbanism and a Miami community "built by design" bring on the TND NIMBY's (traditional neighborhood development not-in-my-back yard). -- Somebody's doing something right in Minneapolis. -- Chicago exhibition shows off prefab housing that "escapes the stigma of the tacky double-wide in the trailer park." -- Yale architecture students get a dose of reality as developers are added to the review process (and ask questions like "Where's the door?"). -- Cubicles with Bunsen burners no longer the norm in lab designs. -- Swanky gas stations a new trend in India (will that make high gas prices easier to take?). -- Caltech taps Koolhaas and Gruen for new tech center. -- Shuttleworth's new small firm takes on a giant. -- A thoughtful slide show/essay by Rybczynski offers lessons to ponder for Barnes museum makeover. -- Gehry wants to buy a Chicago landmark. -- Architect urges prison design boycott. -- An in-depth look at the Diana Fountain, "a truly British fiasco." -- Just for fun: What the Hell Does the Walker Look Like Contest Winners.




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