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Today's News - December 1, 2004

Architecture for Humanity does its part for World AIDS Day today. -- The gloves are coming off in battle to save Cambridge department of architecture. -- Does Rio really need a Guggenheim (worse: not even designed by a Brazilian)? -- Sustainability standards rise in cohousing and low-cost adobe abodes. -- Foster's music center in Gateshead uncharacteristically bulges and billows and "cries out for attention." -- Neighbors lose out in battle against big dorm plans in Chicago. -- A corner in San Francisco becomes more comfortable. -- The Office of Subversive Architecture takes on the Thames Gateway (sort of). -- Experts chime in with their favorite American building (includes poll to log in your favorite, too). -- Expansion plans built in original Colorado Convention Center. -- U.S. embassy architecture explored in a book and documentary. -- Two items we couldn't resist: a report from Spain taken from pay-per-view South China Morning Post says Gehry wants to move back to Toronto, and a fantasy house-for-sale ad for his Santa Monica digs (our thanks to subscribers for sending us the links!).

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