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Today's News - September 27, 2004

Letters of Interest due for quilt center. -- Report shows good design is good for hospitals' bottom line. -- Directory of construction waste recyclers now online. -- Minority architects being overlooked by U.K. housing associations: "Is it name and shame time?" -- Libeskind, Arad, and Calatrava actually talk to each other. -- Big plans for a stretch of the Delaware River (New Jersey side). -- Mass transit misses on a few points (like parking). -- Pelli is a winner in Connecticut. -- Cardiff is a winner with new Millennium Centre (no, it's not Hadid's). -- Curious stares and barbed comments for Foster's Supreme Court building in Singapore. -- A not-so-inspired addition for St. Louis cultural center. -- First we had NIMBY's, now we have NAMBIES (Neighbors Against McMansions: Big Invasive Eyesores…sign us up!). -- Open House New York to open doors to 100 buildings in one weekend. -- Istanbul launches its first Architecture Festival. -- A young architect defining design in Mexico. -- BBC TV now stars a Venetian architect billed as a "thinking woman's hunk" ("starchitect" is so passé). -- Q&A with Bruce Mau: "If automotive design were advancing at the rate of architecture, our cars would still be made of wood." -- Not if the MIT/Gehry team has anything to do with cars of the future.

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