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Today's News - October 30, 2003

Cloepfil has yet another museum on the boards. -- Rome's newest church. -- Historic buildings discovered under the grime. -- Interview with the man selling Farnsworth House. -- Sotheby's Farnsworth House listing has a wealth of images and information provided by the director of Building Technologies at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture. -- Homes fighting fire. -- Artful plans for Memphis riverfront. -- Ergonomics go to church. -- A 22-day Architecture Week in Miami. -- Los Angeles reinventing itself, and the city's newest garden spot. -- An Italian architect talks Italian style. -- Weekend diversions: a book about Africa's secret Modernist city; miniatures with tales to tell in Sydney; and Shulman show in Palm Beach.

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University of Michigan names architect for expansion of museum - Brad Cloepfil/Allied Works Architecture- Detroit News

The Vatican's Modernist Moment: Jubilee Church - Richard Meier [image]- New York Times

Preservation group discovers historic buildings: worth saving and could be the focus of development of another historic district- Sioux City Journal

The 'almost nothing' house: Lord Palumbo's two-bedroom American home [Farnsworth House] - a unique Modernist icon - is to be sold. Caroline McGhie talks to him - Mies van der Rohe [images]- Telegraph (UK)

Farnsworth House: 58 acres Southwest of Chicago - Mies van der Rohe’s [images, fly-through's]- Sotheby's

Fighting Fire With Steel, Pools and Plaster: When California wildfires threaten a new home, design can be the first line of defense. By Joseph Giovannini [images]- New York Times

'Islets' to rise on river: Argentine design for Beale Street Landing wins - RTN Architects [image]- Commercial Appeal (Memphis)

Hallelujah, Churches Go Ergonomic- ErgoWeb

Architecture Week Miami spans 22 days starting Saturday, November 1- Miami Herald

Reinventing itself: The waiting is over. The center of the city is bursting with new lofts and luxury apartments, drawing new residents who are bringing it alive with promise. [images]- Los Angeles Times

A bouquet for L.A.: In the lush gardens surrounding Walt Disney Concert Hall, Melinda Taylor creates an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility that entices visitors to linger a little longer. [images]- Los Angeles Times

Interview: Gae Aulenti's Theater of Italian Design: the show, her work, and the lasting effects of Italian style. [images]- Metropolis Magazine

Book review: "Asmara: Africa's Secret Modernist City": Africa's Horn of Architectural Plenty. By Linda Hales- Washington Post

Exhibition: Miniaturisation: Look closely: "Callum Morton: More Talk About Buildings and Mood" - intricately executed architectural models that reinterpret famous and not-so-famous structures...with a humorous touch [image]- Sydney Morning Herald

Julius Shulman photos capture essence of design: an exhibition of 50 of the photographer's images- Palm Beach Daily News

Iconic Arcs: Jubilee Church by Richard Meier & Partners [images]- ArchNewsNow

Urban Aria: Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts - Diamond and Schmitt Architects [images]- ArchNewsNow


-- Opening: Frank O. Gehry & Partners: Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles
-- Tadao Ando Architects: Sayamaike Historical Museum, Osaka, Japan
-- Book: The Grand Tour: Travelling the World with an Architect's Eye By Harry Seidler


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