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Today's News - February 19, 2003

Louisiana AIA has solution for architects leery of passing plans over the Internet. -- A city plans to map (and hopefully save) historic buildings. -- Urban design standards: Will they limit architectural creativity in Sarasota? Are they making Athens ugly? Is Bhutanese culture being bulldozed? -- A chic spa and a student-designed rail station on the boards in Dubai. -- Busy architects in Tacoma and Los Angeles. -- New life for an old factory in Cincinnati. -- Hospital aims to be "be architecturally significant as well as patient friendly." -- No middle ground for opinions about new student building. -- Another sparkling new arts center for London. -- Hot stuff at Toronto's Interior Design Show. -- Dilbert does doors - only $24.95.

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Plans to succeed: How architects are learning to trust while surfing the Web- Louisiana Business Report

A map for preservation: Hoping to avoid a replay of recent demolition standoffs, a new committee aims to catalog the city's historic properties and look at their potential for reuse- Buffalo News

Architects opposing design rules: They say the county's proposed standards will unleash mediocrity. [images]- Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Ugly Athens? Architects look at the rapidly changing face of the Greek capital [images]- Greece Now

Editorial: Going wrong? The growth of urban centers: Although architecture is one of the definitions of Bhutanese culture, the post-development constructions are not Bhutanese- Kuensel (Bhutan)

Belhoul and Accor partner in a multi-million dollar health resort on The Palm in Dubai - HHCP Design International- Zawya.com (Gulf News)

Student designs rail station "Gateway to Dubai": Zainab Ahmed Al Rostamani visualised a modern design that suits Dubai's sophisticated and cosmopolitan image- Gulf News (Dubai)

Public talks next for tram design firms: Final design will be part of architecture upgrade initiative - Angelil, Graham, Pfenninger, Scholl; Sharples, Holden, Pasquarelli (ShoP); Ben Van Berkel/UN Studio; Guy Nordenson- Portland Tribune (Oregon)

The man who designs Tacoma: Wyn Bielaska/Merritt+Pardini; Arthur Erickson- Tacoma News

The Accidental Experts: Killefer Flammang Has 28 Downtown Projects- Los Angeles Downtown News

Complex to merge old, new: $225 million retail and office complex, Millworks to incorporate Oakley machine plant - Development Design Group- Cincinnati Enquirer

Hospital Innovates With Architects' Help - Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates (AP)- Baltimore Sun

University of Arizona's center of conflict: rebuilt Student Union is either an architectural abomination or a neat place to hang out, depending on whom you ask - MHTN Architects [images]- Tucson Citizen

Go out and watch a video: It cost £10m, the lighting is linked to the internet...and it screens films, too. Liverpool's shiny new arts centre - Austin-Smith:Lord- Guardian (UK)

Designers' guy: you can't swing a fabric swatch without hitting a budding Canuck talent [images]- Globe and Mail (Canada)

Gotta bore? Get a door! Irving startup finds niche making cubicle 'doors'- Dallas Business Journal

ADC Telecommunications Global Headquarters: A 21st-Century Workplace - Hammel, Green & Abrahamson (HGA)- ArchNewsNow

WTC Proposals: Who's Saying What Worldwide (updated Feb. 14)- ArchNewsNow


- Allmann Sattler Wappner: Südwestmetall Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Dorte Mandrup Architects: Neighborhood Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Rafael Viñoly Architects: Carl Icahn Laboratory, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, New Jersey


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