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ArchNewsNow Advanced Site Search

containing all of the words      
with the exact phrase
with any of the words
without the words
Ignore Case   Match Case
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containing all of the words - documents will be shown only if all of the words are found in the document.

with the exact phrase - documents will be shown only if the exact phrase is found in the document.

with any of the words - documents will be shown if any of the words are found in the document.

without the words - any document containing any one of the words will not be shown.

Documents will be shown only if they match all of your input from the four fields. For example, if you enter "urban" in the "containing all of the words" field and enter "street town" in "with any of the words" only the documents that contain urban, and also contain either street or town will be shown.

If you click the "Match Case" radio button, all the above searches will only match words with the same set of upper and lower case letters you entered.

You can match word roots using the * wildcard. For example, archit* will match architecture, architect, architectural, and so forth.
