
Today’s News - Wednesday, August 26, 2020

●  Cuozzo offers a "sound debunking" of a hedge-fund entrepreneur & comic's "so far over the top" op-ed claiming "New York City is dead. Companies have long-term confidence that belies 'exodus' prognostications. Every one of these commitments was made during, not prior to, the COVID crisis. A new Big Apple will rise on the ashes without his act."

●  Ellen Wulfhorst delves into how "a drop in public transport ridership puts urban liveability at stake - city officials and transport experts are pulling out the stops to lure residents back" (a city "without a transit system is like a skyscraper without an elevator").

●  Les Shaver: "Now that the realities of the pandemic have sunk in," a principal of a venture capital firm considers "what to do with that glut of office construction - residential conversions" and "probably a hybrid office structure after the pandemic."

●  Plumer & Popovich take a deep dive into "how decades of racist housing policy left communities of color far more vulnerable to rising heat," and how Richmond, Virginia "officials are paying much closer attention to racial inequality as they draw up plans to adapt to global warming."

●  Valerie Yurk looks at how a number of "U.S. cities are spending millions on trees to fight heat - but are their plans equitable?" Seattle, as one example, "uses a Racial Equity Toolkit to prioritize communities with lower canopy coverage - time is against the efforts."

●  Cathy Watson, of the Center for International Forestry Research, parses how "COVID-19 has triggered incredibly positive change in Kenya," where "the government has almost doubled usable green space in Nairobi. Other cities can, too."

●  Laura Bliss spends time in Paradise, California, "almost completely destroyed" by a devastating wildfire in 2018. "Now local leaders are proposing an ambitious scheme to protect the town from future blazes" that "could be a model for other communities living on the edge of an environment that is bound to ignite."

●  Sitz reports that a 7-acre state park in Brooklyn is renamed to honor LGBTQ activist Marsha P. Johnson - the city's LGBTQ community will be consulted on its design and content of new public art (already lots of color!).

●  Chicago issues its first of several RFPs for the city's INVEST South/West initiative seeking "pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use projects. These historically Black and Latino areas have been underserved and underinvested in for decades."

●  A model for cities to follow! Chicago has launched the Winter Design Challenge "to find solutions to winter outdoor dining" (please repeat elsewhere!).

●  Ravenscroft reports on Foster's "uniquely British" proposal for "a reusable temporary parliament wrapped in a bomb-proof glass and steel shell" - an alternative to proposals by AHMM and Gensler.

●  Cajsa Carlson reports on Beirut-born type designer Nadine Chahine's Li Beirut ("For Beirut") initiative that reached out to fellow designers to collaborate on ceating a typeface to support victims of the devastating August 4 blast, resulting in "over 300 glyphs designed by 157 creatives from all over the world that can be downloaded as part of the fundraiser. All products will be printed and shipped from Beirut."

●  One we couldn't resist: Patino reports that IKEA has put 70 years of its catalogs online - "19,000 pages of mid-century Scandinavian design - an excellent and Covid-safe alternative distraction" (things "get really interesting" in the late 1960s and '70s).

●  ICYMI: ANN feature: Mary Ann Lazarus & Joyce Lee explain why they and a group of industry leaders launched a petition to the World Health Organization to work with industry experts to develop much-needed indoor environment guidance that is currently hard to find, contradictory, and minimal at best.


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