
Today’s News - Wednesday, November 20, 2019

●  Filler minces no words about the "Megalo-MoMA" make-over: "Despite DS+R's formidable metamorphic powers, it was unable to turn this architectural sow's ear into a silk purse, and has instead given us a supersized MoMA tote bag. They have acquitted themselves decently enough, with the possible exception of having accepted the job in the first place."

●  Dorris's finale to his MoMA makeover review: "There's much to argue over. And indeed, protestors are taking advantage of the new space. They remind us that who funds these expansions - and who keeps them running - matter as much as who designs them and whether they succeed.

●  Saffron cheers "Philadelphia's legacy art museums work to attract a woke generation," making them more welcoming and accessible: "Although the architects for both projects are well-known museum designers - there is very little ego in the two designs."

●  Pedersen's Q&A with William Leddy re: "the three-track approach by AIA California to convince the state government to embrace a Zero Code": "This is a historic opportunity that architects must seize, for many reasons. If architects don't take a leadership role - others will - China, India, and the EU are all looking to California to take the next step."

●  Green tours Georgia Tech's Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design: "The Southeast's greenest is a marvel of efficiency and spare parts" that "should meet Living Building Challenge certification standards, and then some" (but no mention of design team - Lord Aeck Sargent & The Miller Hull Partnership).

●  McKeough takes a deep (and fascinating) dive into how some "architects and designers are finding new workplace and household uses for the stuff polluting our oceans. Others are finding uses for plastic before it reaches the water. These are early days, however."

●  Fazzare explains why Quito, Ecuador, is "quickly becoming a crane city" and starchitects' "next frontier - the phenomenon is entirely new."

●  Reiner-Roth x 2: For the second time, Seattle is defunding "a tiny house village program without providing an alternative housing solution for its formerly homeless residents" (because Low-Income Housing Institute "members were made to feel unwelcome"??!!?).

●  On a brighter note, he reports that Oscar Niemeyer's last structure, "a 40-foot-diameter sphere hanging off the corner of a 19th-century red brick building in Leipzig, Germany," will be complete next spring.

●  McKnight, meanwhile, reports that Niemeyer's 1966 Tea House in Brasília, now a tourist information center, has a refreshed interior by Bloco Arquitetos and Equipe Lamas that is more "sympathetic to the original design."

●  Stephens delves into what China's Belt and Road Initiative, "arguably the biggest collection of construction projects in human history" - but "projects are unlikely to result in lavish Xanadus to stoke the architectural imagination."

●  Frearson picks "10 of the most interesting ideas" at the Oslo Architecture Triennale, "Enough: The Architecture of Degrowth" (it closes this Sunday!).

●  Metropolis has been acquired by SANDOW, a design media and tech company that will help the magazine "build on its 38-year legacy as a leading storyteller for the architecture and design community."

●  An executive summary of the recent A/E/C THRIVE executive summit: "Diversity, proposal activity & nurturing next-gen leaders were among firm leaders' hottest issues + Call for Presentations for 2020 summit.

●  The soon-to-be-finalized Pune Declaration "focuses on architecture education to make it more relevant view of the challenges of urbanization and related environmental, ecological and social challenges" in India.

●  ICYMI: ANN feature: Mathias Agbo, Jr.: Lesson Plan #6: Teacher, Don't Teach Them Nonsense: Reforming Architecture's Broken Education: A curriculum overhaul alone cannot fix the problem; rather, the practice of architecture must first reform itself for any pedagogical reforms to make sense.


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