
Today’s News - Wednesday, July 17, 2019

●  Collier takes a deep (deep!) dive into how Dutch "masters of the flood" are "helping Texas design what would become the nation's most ambitious - and expensive [$32 billion] - coastal barrier"; it "would pay for itself in one storm" (but "getting buy-in from locals is the first of many obstacles").

●  Jacquot, Dupré & Liu: "China can learn from Australian urban design - there might be an interest in learning from Western urban design principles, both to draw inspiration from the good practices and to avoid repeating the mistakes" (it's also a two-way street).

●  Wainwright has "seen the future and it's Norwich - the energy-saving, social housing revolution" on Goldsmith Street. "It might not look groundbreaking, but this little neighborhood represents something quietly miraculous" (they ditched the developer).

●  DiPasquale gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Strathcona Village in Vancouver, a mixed-use project that "announces itself boldly and loudly" with "a kinetic energy that serves as a pleasing counterpoint to Vancouver's litany of teal glass towers and their bland extrusions of the same" (though "the shipping container aesthetic proves a slippery game").

●  Bilya Koort Boodja, a center for Indigenous culture and environmental design for the Ballardong Nyoongar people of Perth, is "a place that responded to the landscape and revealed it through the eyes of the Aboriginal people."

●  London's mayor puts the kibosh on Foster's Tulip Tower, citing the London Review Panel report that it "does not represent world class architecture, it lacks sufficient quality and quantity of public open space" - and then some.

●  Woodman cheers the news: "Sadiq Khan is right - the Tulip was another tower London didn't need. Much like the unlamented Garden Bridge - the Tulip was simply a building that failed to justify its existence."

●  Cleveland architect Eberhard minces no words when it comes to the Cleveland Foundation choosing a New York firm for its new headquarters: "There is no good excuse for ignoring dozens of Cleveland firms - what is also painfully disturbing is that the mediocre conceptual design is weak in every sense" (ouch!).

●  Goldsborough reports that "investors blame Isay Weinfeld's [$32 million] design for the closing of the new Four Seasons Restaurant" after it opened less than 10 months ago: "I could not be prouder of our designs. But I respect all opinions, including the silly ones," sayeth Weinfeld.

●  In less grumpy news: Murcutt's MPavilion 2019 design will bring "a minimalist white aesthetic that speaks to his contribution to climate-responsive architecture" to Melbourne's Queen Victoria Gardens in November.

●  On a London High Line kind of note: Bauchplan has won the competition to transform a disused viaduct in Hammersmith with swimming, fishing and urban gardening - "a blue & green living room and island of retreat for the neighborhood."

●  Welton explains how Höweler + Yoon snagged the University of Virginia's Memorial to Enslaved Labor: "The competition was stiff," but "the contemporary firm prevailed, at a school that some see as tradition-bound" ("I think they were surprised that they chose us").

●  A Special Report from the Happy Healthy Offices 2019 conference: "Tone Wheeler set the tone - and let us know some home truths about sustainability; Bates Smart's Kellie Payne from challenged us deeply on the human side of a good working environment" (and lots more!).

●  MIT's Sarkis, curator of the 2020 Venice Architecture Biennale, announces his theme: "How will we live together?" - "it's time for architects to think about their role in creating a new, collective 'spatial contract' - one that is inclusive and addresses social housing and urban connectivity."

●  Anderton x 2: She looks at "how the Space Age influenced Southland design and architecture 50 years ago - a time when aeronautics and pop culture, design and architecture came together, and nowhere more so than in Los Angeles."

●  She considers "Philip Johnson's all-glass Crystal Cathedral born again as Christ Cathedral, with a bold redesign" by Johnson Fain "for a different liturgy, for less TV and less sun."

●  ICYMI: ANN feature: Taylor cheers "Bauhaus Beginnings" at the Getty Research Institute that is so impressive, the president of Germany wondered, "How can there be so much great Bauhaus material outside of Germany?"

●  ICYMI: ANN feature: Salingaros: "Signs versus Symptoms": A Reply to the Open Letter from British Architecture Students Calling for Curriculum Change: Asking for radical reforms in architectural education, this courageous appeal could help this latest effort be taken seriously, and not simply dismissed, as previous cries for reform have been.


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