
Today’s News - Thursday, October 11, 2018

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomorrow and Monday will be no-newsletter days - also Tuesday: weather gods willing, we'll be on an early-morning ferry to preview FXCollaborative/ESI's Statue of Liberty Museum on Ellis Island!

It's a Stirling kind of day:

●  Wainwright says Foster's Bloomberg HQ in London is "a gargantuan temple to gadgetry, its every detail subjected to months of research and development. But for all their trailblazing innovations, it is hard to escape the feeling of being trapped in a very deep-plan office building. It is a very inward-looking place."

●  Woodman wonders: "Why has one of the most expensive office buildings ever built won the Stirling Prize in the middle of a housing crisis?" While "there is much to admire" about this "work of fastidious contextualism," this "exceptionally lavish project hardly represents a model likely to be replicated soon."

●  On a brighter note: Foster's "astounding" and "boundary pushing" Bloomberg HQ was "praised by the jury as a 'monumental achievement'" (but it was not the bookmakers' or AJ readers' favorite).

●  The profession "reacts to Foster + Partners' opinion-splitting 2018 Stirling Prize victory" - mostly thumbs-up's, but some thumbs-down (Comments sections in all worth a gander, too).

In other news:

●  Russell (he's back!) delves into the effect of gentrification on urban communities, and how "designers and policymakers are looking for ways to attract needed investment without displacing longtime lower-income residents" [link to "The Housing Crisis in America" series by John King, Cathleen McGuigan, Suzanne Stephens, etc.).

●  Eyefuls of Kuma's Starbucks Taiwan made from shipping containers - "yet another striking and innovatively-designed coffee house" where natural light transforms "the density and darkness of a shipping container into a pleasant habitable space."

●  Eyefuls of Carme Pinós's "origami-inspired" MPavilion in Melbourne's Queen Victoria Gardens - its 4-month program "includes a focus on women in leadership."

Weekend diversions:

●  A look at the "stellar" lineup of films and programs offered in the 10th annual Architecture and Design Film Festival, which kicks off next Tuesday in NYC (with links to trailers and a discount ticket offer).

●  Trailers for the 2018 AIA Film Challenge winners, also being screened at ADFF (not named or linked is the International winner: Kathryn Sanders' "Freedom to Play").

●  Budds parses "Close to the Edge: The Birth of Hip-Hop Architecture" at NYC's Center for Architecture, which "makes an urgent case for why" hip-hop can "make architecture more equitable," or could it "simply become another buzz-phrase co-opted by commercial interests, ultimately rendering it superficial" (hopefully, not).

●  Lutyens cheers "Anni Albers" at the Tate Modern - it's about time she and the "many brilliant" but "forgotten women of the Bauhaus" get their due.

●  McCarty cheers "Beazley Designs of the Year 2018" at London's Design Museum that "highlights the best new innovations, many from Asia" - but "there's much more than just mushrooms, magic or otherwise" (with kudos to Aric Chen).

●  McMullan says "Living with Buildings" at London's Wellcome Collection "charts the influence manmade structures have had on health and wellbeing - as 'wellness' becomes a fashionable word once more, value is again being placed on the power buildings have over physical and mental health."

●  ArcSpace's Wells delves deep into innovation, and how "Possible Spaces" in the Danish Pavilion at the Biennale "demonstrates the role of design in achieving collaborative and sustainable innovation."

●  Meanwhile, in Copenhagen, the Danish Architecture Center presents "Ove Arup and the Philosophy of Total Design," which looks at how the Dane "revolutionized architecture and the way that engineering is practiced today."


●  An excerpt from Speck's "Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places": "Rule 88: Make sticky edges; Rule 100: Don't give up on sprawl. It's where most Americans live."

●  Moore's take on Klinenberg's "Palaces for the People: How to Build a More Equal and United Society": The "sociologist is eloquent on the importance of creating shared urban spaces - but vague on how to make it happen" (Speck's book might come in handy!).

●  Anderton has a lively conversation with Klinenberg, whose impetus for "Palaces for the People" was the post-Hurricane Sandy 'Rebuild by Design' competition - he "makes the case that communities with strong 'social infrastructure' can survive stressful events."

●  Beske and Dixon's "Suburban Remix: Creating the Next Generation of Urban Places" makes "a compelling case for transforming the country's aging suburban population centers into dense, walkable communities, but ultimately fails to demonstrate how broadly applicable that model may be," but it is "a valuable resource" for for anyone "engaged in large-scale re-imagining of what a suburb can be."

●  ICYMI: ANN feature: Taylor's Venice in Three Parts: As a first-timer to La Biennale di Venezia; There are immersive experiences, artistic expressions, and marketing efforts. Guess which are most satisfying; There are treasures and treats to be found beyond the confines of the Giardini.


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