
Today’s News - Tuesday, June 5, 2018

EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies for not posting last week. We were unexpectedly laid low by...never mind (tech gods not at fault this time). So, now it's catch-up time...

●  Phil Bernstein explains "why the field of architecture needs a new business model," challenging "the current methods of value creation," and proposing a new business model for architects.

●  Brady makes the case that, "to fix architecture, fix the design crit" by making evidence-based design the basis of the crit - it "could improve the credibility of the entire discipline - putting the profession in a more valuable and trustworthy position than it is today."

●  Sisson parses "The Empty House Next Door," the Lincoln Institute's new report offering "a sobering snapshot" of "the epidemic of vacant homes and lots, and how neighborhoods are finding solutions."

●  Comberg offers 7 "key takeaways" from NYC's new affordable housing design guide "written in language accessible to people outside of design professions - architects worldwide can learn from the document, too."

●  A look at how some San Francisco architects are "reinventing" their approach to the Bay Area's affordable housing crisis, which is "at risk of persisting if the response of the community doesn't shift - architects can help by taking "a more nuanced approach to design to help a community envision what the outcome will look like."

●  Page's Kurtz & Clegg look at Houston's post-Harvey "road to resilience" that "requires a broad holistic" approach - projects "must deliver environmental, social and economic returns on investment," and architects, designers, and engineers can offer "creative, integrated, and lasting strategies against future storms."

●  Berg takes a deep dive into how developing countries "are becoming construction sites for Chinese-designed housing blocks, office towers, hotels and urban developments - the Chinese approach is unique - unmistakably a new form and scale of city-making" that "may become the new standard."

●  Stinson brings us eyefuls of Eliasson's first building rising from the harbor in Vejle, Denmark that's "as trippy as you'd expect": it's "meant to be more than a stationary building - an exploration of shape and perception, with platforms that arch out over the water" (trippy, indeed!).

●  Aric Chen of M+ explains why the new Serpentine Pavilion Beijing "signals a new age for Chinese architecture - many were struck by its audacious simplicity"; Jiakun Architects "has given us something to think about" - it "aims to reveal architecture at its most essential. But it's difficult not to also see something more ominous."

●  Designs for 5 Melbourne Metro Tunnel stations look to be "new architectural landmarks for Melbourne - all designed to maximize public space and natural light," and "deliver new parks and open spaces" and more around each station.

●  Lange finds "the hidden women of architecture and design" in writing her new book, "The Design of Childhood": they were "handy, empathetic, often educators, ready to step in where they saw design with a capital 'D' falling short" (great read!).

●  The World Monuments Fund and Google Arts & Culture launch "Preserving Iraq's Heritage," an online platform that "showcases the unique stories of Iraq's endangered heritage sites and the extraordinary efforts to preserve them" (very cool!).

Winners - and almost-winners - all:

●  Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Woods Bagot win the Adelaide Contemporary International Design Competition with their design for "a dynamic people-friendly new place - a unique cultural destination physically and emotionally woven into the place and community" (great presentation, including all finalists).

●  Eyefuls of the AIA 2018 Small Project Awards that "recognize small project practitioners for the high quality of their work, from a gymnasium-turned-chapel to a woodland playscape" (great presentation).

●  Eyefuls of the 12 finalists vying for the Young Talent Architecture Award 2018, organized by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe (great presentation).

The critics are returning from - and weighing in on - the Venice Architecture Biennale preview (more to come, we're sure):

●  Wainwright x 2: Farrell and McNamara "have curated a show that celebrates in-between spaces - and - for once - plenty of places to sit"; they "know a good place to put a bench when they see it" (he also calls out "the show's chief flaw").

●  He "braves architecture's answer to the Eurovision song contest": "As ever, there is a lot of rubbish, punctuated by occasional moments of brilliance."

●  Moore, meanwhile, finds the Biennale to be "a joyous treasure trove - it can be hard slog, a soul-sapping hack through dense thickets of images and words - but not this time."

●  Miranda offers "7 of the most intriguing national pavilions to see" at the Biennale: it's "a bit like being in a big city, where your every want and need can be instantly satiated."

●  McGuigan & Broome offer their takes & highlights: "That the Swiss Pavilion won the Golden Lion for "House Tour" - a witty if one-note take on apartment hunting - was surprising enough, but more controversial" was Great Britain's "'special mention' nod without presenting any architecture at all. Completely ignored by the jury was the Vatican's first participation - a surprise favorite of almost everyone."

●  McGuigan also reports on the Voices of Women initiative, and the nearly 200 women who "gathered to press for equity, tolerance, and openness in architecture" (hand fans included).


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