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Today’s News - Monday, April 18, 2016

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomorrow will be a no-newsletter day (heading out for a morning tour of Industry City on the Brooklyn waterfront!). We'll be back Wednesday, April 20.

•   Urist reports on research "investigating the emotional toll of ugly architecture," and the "psychological cost of boring buildings."

•   Bakker and Brandwijk dig deep into Medellín's latest mega-project, where public participation is key in building an enormous urban park, upgrading ramshackle homes, and introducing public services and transit in the "remote informal settlements high up at the urban edge."

•   Farrelly, on the other hand, minces no words about what she thinks of a "scandalous" government "land-grab" of Sydney's Moore Park to build a stadium: what "sets this nutty scheme apart" is that "no-one wants it."

•   Wise wends his way through Abu Dhabi's "cultural Xanadu," a.k.a. Saadiyat Island: "while the museums have all been delayed, the year-old NYU campus is fully operational" (great pix).

•   Lamster bemoans that "Dallas architecture is a joke," and finds inspiration in some L.A. architects' "inventive residential projects for all income levels that are good business and that enhance the urban fabric - lessons that Dallas architects would do well to apply themselves."

•   Kamin parses a new plan for the Lucas Museum in Chicago that calls for the demolition of "a significant work of mid-20th-century modernism. It is hard to say 'no' to the prospect of 12 new acres of lakefront parkland," but "for every potential plus here, there is a potential minus."

•   Keegan calls to push the resent button on relocating the Lucas Museum by demolishing the "landmark quality" McCormick Place East: it's "a bone-headed idea - neither an example of good urban planning or architectural design."

•   Miami Beach nixes the Hadid-designed garage: a revised design met the city's budget, but "much of the flare and panache of the original design was stripped down or removed altogether" - now, new proposals will be sought.

•   Jahn lops 200 feet off his proposed Chicago skyscraper, so now it's only 73 stories (and NIMBYs have become YIMBYs).

•   Elkus Manfredi shaves off more floors and adds setbacks to its proposed "skinny tower" to reduce shadow impacts on the Boston Common - but there's a bigger issue.

•   PLP proposes an 80-story wooden skyscraper at the Barbican that "could become London's second tallest building, after The Shard, and the tallest wooden structure in the world."

•   3XN snags its first North American project - a "new vertical neighborhood" for Bayside Toronto on Queens Quay East.

•   An uncertain future for Breuer's Central Library in Atlanta: "Although the building is listed on the 2010 World Monuments Watch List of Most Endangered Sites, its fate remains undecided, for now."

•   Wood has high hopes that MoMA closing its design galleries won't "mean the death or diminishing importance" of the fields: "If done correctly, the reorganization could elevate rather than diminish the status of architecture and design."

•   Eyefuls of Architizer's the 2016 A+Awards (all 200 of 'em!).

•   Two we couldn't resist: "fans of Modernist architecture may want to start saving their pennies now" - the Four Seasons is putting everything "up for grabs - even the silverware and banquettes."

•   Companies like Macy's, Heineken, and San Pellegrino may have to rethink their logos if Russia gets its way to copyright its "red star" symbol (will we have to toss our Christmas tree stars, too???).

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