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Today’s News - Tuesday, December 8, 2015

EDITOR'S NOTE: Just a heads-up that we may - or may not - post tomorrow, but we'll definitely be back Thursday, December 10.

•   Searle cheers Assemble winning the 2015 Turner Prize: "Their work is a welcome, and vital, part of a bigger battle against social division" - their work "is full of invention and ingenuity. It has purpose."

•   Foster says Assemble's win is "a sign of our deeply embedded housing crisis," and "should serve as a wake-up call to most other regeneration schemes, which neglect local people."

•   Eyefuls of the winning design for the (gigantic!) Papalote Children's Museum in Mexico City by a team from Guadalajara and Barcelona.

•   Wainwright wanders OMA's Rotterdam Timmerhuis; "It's an unexpected marriage" between Mies's Farnsworth House and the "hair-brained illogic of deconstructivist Eisenman that has produced an odd love-child. Sadly, what could have been a beacon of civic pride has turned out as a hollow symbol of compromise."

•   Herman cheers KPF's makeover of L.A.'s Petersen Auto Museum "for things that go vroom" that "is more than the ultimate man cave."

•   Broome cheers SOM's makeover of the Strand theater that "clicks into its site on San Francisco's Market Street like one of the final pieces of a complex puzzle."

•   Big plans for a new neighborhood in Melbourne: Fender Katsalidis's $1 billion Malt District will pay tribute to its history as a brewery and malt storage site and incorporate heritage-listed features.

•   A great round-up of innovative emergency relief shelters: "Each one has the same aim - to save lives with good design."

•   A fascinating look at how European architects and government officials "are beginning to grapple with the task of creating more permanent - and humane - housing" for refugees.

•   Holman takes a deep dive into makerspaces: the "concept is experiencing growing pains - it is worth asking whether we are witnessing the birth of a durable movement or another trendy notion about civic innovation" (some very interesting history, too).

•   Wright crosses the Big Pond to visit the Chicago Architecture Biennial, "an exuberant explosion of ideas" that "speaks of where architecture is: a diverse art, in need of reconnecting to the public. In Chicago, it makes an extraordinary, engaging effort to do so."

•   Keskeys offers a great Q&A with Atelier Bow-Wow re: their Chicago Biennial project, and whether architecture is art.

•   Help wanted: a new CEO for the Australian Institute of Architects.

•   One we couldn't resist: "9 things people always say at zoning hearings, illustrated by cats" (meow!).

•   Call for entries: Harvard GSD x 2: 2016-2017 Loeb Fellowship + 2016 Wheelwright Prize ($100,000!) + Docomomo US 2016 Modernism in America Awards + Call for Presentations: ASLA 2016 Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

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