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Today’s News - Monday, August 17, 2015

•   ArcSpace suggests the best new guides to seven architecturally famous cities.

•   Hadid wins Taipei's Tamsui River bridge competition with what will be "the world's largest asymmetric cable-stayed bridge with a single tower" (with pix & video to prove it!).

•   The competition to design a youth center at the now-landmarked Preston Bus Station is won by a new New York practice headed by Puttick (who used to run Make's Beijing and Hong Kong offices).

•   A longgg list of 26 vies to win Doha's Art Mill competition - an interesting mix of very well-known and emerging talents.

•   Heathcote's take on how to solve the housing crisis: take cues from "the ingenuity, the ad hoc economies and recycled architecture of the informal" that are "often far more successful than gated suburban communities - and the site of some of the most inventive architectural experimentation."

•   Moore cheers the "quiet revolution" happening in British housing that is "imaginative and sustainable - if you look carefully and avert your gaze from large quantities of obvious junk, it is possible to see that some new housing is, finally, not terrible."

•   Evitts Dickinson digs deep into what makes BIG's new BIG Ideas division tick: it's an "incubator where architects become inventors."

•   Anderton has a great Q&A with Ovink, the "brilliant Dutch water infrastructure expert" tapped by Gehry to work on his LA River master plan: "I'm in, I will move to LA," sayeth the "rock star in the world of climate change, resilient design and rivers."

•   Davidson finds some "serious flaws" in the plan to rebuild LaGuardia Airport, but "we should go for it anyway"; it may be "a Band-Aid on our wheezing regional infrastructure, but it's one hell of a Band-Aid."

•   Cheers for Snøhetta and W Architecture and Landscape Architecture for doing the impossible: "turning the truly miserable blocks" around NYC's (equally miserable) Penn Station "into a pleasant and calming retreat" that "people seem to be really enjoying."

•   Theaster Gates has "ambitious" plans to turn a ready-to-be-demolished 1923 bank building Chicago sold to him for $1 into an arts center that will be ready for its close-up just in time for the Chicago Biennial.

•   H&deM's Nouveau Stade Bordeaux "brings classical gentility to the world of football": "It is hard not to detect a slightly corporate feel to all this understatedness. But 42,000 football fans can do much to stamp out the whiff of corporate sterility" (and a lotta white!).

•   Showley has high hopes for the San Diego Chargers' new stadium with "Super Bowl-ready features - and a 'kinetic skin' that mimics the sound of the ocean" (can't wait to hear it!).

•   Mars explains "why Brutalist architecture is so hard to love," and calls for thoughtful adaptive re-use: "the best way to break the cycle of active neglect may be to love these concrete brutes in all their hulking glory. As with any art form, the more you know about it the more you appreciate it."

•   Portland's Memorial Coliseum could use a little love, and preservationists hope a new video will make the case that will save "the elegant, low-key piece of modernism" from the wrecking ball.

•   On a brighter note, Mies's Lafayette Park complex in Detroit is now a national landmark, based in part on being "a rare example of urban renewal done right."

•   Altabe takes on starchitects who whine about rejection: "Where is it written that architects like Gehry and Hadid should always win?"

•   Kapoor was already ticked off at the Chinese knock-off of his "Cloud Gate"; now, he's "even madder" that Chicago's mayor takes the rip-off as "flattery."

•   WeWork buys CASE: office design may never be the same.

•   One we couldn't resist (on a blistering hot day): Block brings us eyefuls of swimming and rehab pools from around the world.


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