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Today’s News - Thursday, December 5, 2013

•   "Joan of Architecture" (a.k.a. Phyllis Lambert) is stepping down as head of the CCA; Kuwabara tapped to step into her shoes (she will "continue to play an active role").

•   Bagley and Gallucci offer an in-depth (and fascinating) 5-part look at NYC's Mayor "Bloomberg's Hidden Legacy" re: climate change and the city's future: "Sandy showed them they had to do much more, much faster."

•   Swain takes us on a tour of "secret city design tricks" to manipulate behavior (these "decorative discouragements" range from "deliberately uncomfortable" to just plain mean).

•   In Scotland, "The Kelpies" are "a reminder that good public art beautifies our shared spaces": though such projects have produced some "uneven results," the successful pieces are "worth paying attention to, partly to figure out what works" (we love the Kelpies!).

•   Eyefuls of HOK's master plan that won Dubai the World Expo 2020 bid.

•   It's a Detroit kind of day: Motor City is considering ditching a freeway in exchange for a pedestrian-friendly parkway.

•   The city has high hopes of "clearing away 78,000 blighted buildings within the next 18-36 months. But is that a fantasy?" (maybe not!)

•   Gallagher examines a proposal that would save the DIA's art and Detroit pensions (Christie's appraisal came in much lower than many expected).

•   Hanley hears from Herzog re: H&deM's Perez Art Museum in Miami: "The building shows everything that it has, everything is exposed. It's almost naked."

•   Foster has big plans to transform the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach ("shimmering roof" included).

•   Flint at his most (amusingly) flinty re: why "bold projects have to be ready for nasty nicknames" along with "delicious takedowns, and clever labels" (a great read).

•   TCLF's Birnbaum reviews 2013's notable developments in landscape architecture (the apt, and the not so apt).

•   The New School's new University Center sets a new bar for wayfinding graphics, where "a sign isn't just a sign."

•   A most impressive shortlist in London's Natural History Museum Civic Realm Competition (no images yet).

•   Call for entries: EOI for Mumbai City Museum North Wing Design Competition + ASID Awards for Designer of Distinction, Design for Humanity, Design Innovation, and more.

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