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Today’s News - Thursday, June 6, 2013

•   Let's get the bad (and grumpy) news out of the way: DS+R's Hirshhorn Bubble is officially burst.

•   The Vatican chides church architects "who put awards before God."

•   Tagliabue lashes out at "stupid" Holyrood changes, "branding the latest bolt-on 'really cheap'" - but hopes to "rally architects to campaign against further interventions."

•   H&deM added to list of respondents in Segal's Israel National Library high court claim.

•   Davidson is surprised that the Mariinsky II is "so ostentatiously neutral," and the "intrusion of soft-core modernism in the heart of the imperial city is troubling" (but the acoustics and sightlines are great).

•   Poletti ponders the fate of the Asawa fountain in Apple's as yet unclear plans for its San Francisco store on Union Square.

•   Brussat is practically upbeat about Newport's newly-reopened Queen Anne Square by Maya Lin: he "found nothing to confirm my belief that a great mistake had been made. But it does have a down side" (of course).

•   Stratigakos delves (most eloquently) into the "unforgetting of women architects": Scott Brown "is an important but hardly exceptional example of how female partners are written out of history by a profession suffering from Star Architect Disorder, or SAD" (the Wikipedia wrangle is amusing if it weren't so sad - a great read!) + Q&A with "the champion of Architect Barbie" re: "changing the gender narratives in academia, architecture firms, and beyond."

•   Finch cheers RSH+P's "Cheesegrater" as "the most generous public realm contribution to London for many years. It sets standards that few are likely to emulate."

•   Hadid and AECOM now on board as "design consultants" to Speer's 2022 FIFA World Cup Stadium in Qatar.

•   Makower reports on an "innovation collaborative" formed between McDonough and America's largest waste hauler "aimed at advancing and improving recyclability."

•   Might-be-winners all: Five finalists in ULI Urban Open Space Award Competition + City of Sydney Lord Mayor's Prize finalists + New London Awards 2013 shortlist (130 projects is a longggg shortlist!) + Fast Co.'s "100 Most Creative People in Business 2013" include Balmori (#3), Ai Weiwei (#16), and Marino (#60).

•   Call for entries: J. Timothy Anderson Awards for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation ("The Timmys") + Healthcare Design's 2013 Remodel/Renovation Competition.


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