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Today’s News - Tuesday, February 21, 2012

•   ArcSpace brings us an eyeful of Romero's Soumaya Museum.

•   Berger on signs that Seattle is getting ready for its next boom: though good signs are in "abundance," what is really needed is "enlightened and creative planning" so that "development opportunities aren't squandered."

•   Hinshaw, on the other hand, says San Diego holds a lesson for Seattle in "how NOT to treat a central waterfront."

•   King takes on the pro's and con's of some of San Francisco's newest POPS (privately owned public spaces) and how to "make a worthy program better" (signage has a lot to do with it) + he sizes up 6 POPS re: "Why you should go. Why you haven't gone: How would you know? What can be done" to make them better.

•   A 4-year study by Design Council Cabe on the relationship between crime and contemporary housing casts doubts on the "efficacy of the police's controversial Secured by Design strategy."

•   Baillieu minces no words about what she thinks of the study results: the "case for Secured by Design has always looked doubtful...the way to tackle crime is by having police on the streets not sitting in committee rooms telling architects what to do."

•   Hume cheers the pro-bono transformation of a former Toronto Salvation Army soup kitchen into a studio/theatre in a "part of town not normally associated with high culture that will in turn help transform the larger neighborhood."

•   Clemson University (finally) taps a new team for an architecture center on a different site than previously planned in 2005 (with a design panned for being too modern, so now it's a parking lot - you expected...?).

•   Moore has a most amusing conversation with Gehry re: the "backlash" against him that he finds "self-righteous" and "annoying" (he can do square, too).

•   Welton gets the scoop from Freelon re: the evolution of the design for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (groundbreaking tomorrow!).

•   A Kathmandu architect on a crusade to chronicle and preserve Nepal's architectural treasures: "To put things into a book is an act of preservation because one day this will be the only way to remember."

•   Long's long journey from Berlin to London and Venice: "three cities that shaped my views on architecture...where transformation is more compelling than the shock of the new."

•   Litt explores some of Rome's shocking new architecture that "communicates that Italy wants very much to assert itself as a contemporary creative power, not just as the heir to a glorious past."

•   Eyefuls of winners in the Bab Al Bahrain Open Ideas Competition to redesign one of the few existing public squares in Bahrain, and The Core Project Competition to vitalize the city of Sebastopol, California.


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