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Today’s News - Friday, June 17, 2011

•   A "chronic problem in Korean architecture" is highlighted by an important cultural project that left the architect out in the cold.

•   Not everyone in an Austrian UNESCO World Heritage village is pleased that it is being "Xeroxed" in China (great slide show).

•   Davidson dissects the voyeur's paradise rising along the High Line: "These days, it's almost rude not to stare."

•   Hadid's Serpentine Sackler Gallery extension gets the go-ahead.

•   Tischler on Kéré, who "gets big results by mixing a little mud with a lot of heart" in his home country of Burkina Faso, "one of the poorest places on the planet."

•   An impressive, international mix on the shortlist in the Bogotá International Convention Center Competition.

•   An eyeful of finalists in RIBA's London and Sheffield Forgotten Spaces competitions (some are really out there!).

•   The budding "Redfields to Greenfields" movement is gaining steam across the U.S., turning toxic real estate into parks and elevating nearby property values.

•   In the U.K., RICS research advises developers, planners, and landowners to do much the same thing - it's good in combating climate change and good for areas where development has stalled.

•   Perhaps London should pay heed: "London: Garden City?" reports that "two and a half Hyde Parks a year" are being lost to paving (how depressing is that?!!?).

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Continuing on a green streak, "GLIMPSES of New York and Amsterdam in 2040" on view in both cities offers 10 glimpses of their urban future.

•   In L.A., "New Park Design in Los Angeles" dreams of "a modern remedy to an 81-year-old wrong."

•   CCA's "The Good Cause: Architecture of Peace" questions whether architecture and planning projects can be an instrument of peace and conflict prevention.

•   Jürgen Mayer H's traveling show "$H!T HAPPENS In Berlin" (we love the title!) lands in Toronto.

•   Rothstein hails "The American Style: Colonial Revival and the Modern Metropolis" at MCNY: "Though this is a small exhibition, there is much to see and think about."

•   The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture Show 2011 in Aberdeen highlights a studio where students are not allowed to use computers: "quite a radical idea for a school of architecture in the 21st Century but it has resulted in some beautiful work and drawings and worth seeing."

•   Q&A with 2011 LA Film Festival filmmakers of "Unfinished Spaces" that puts the spotlight on three exiled architects who "return to Cuba to finish their Utopian architectural project," the Cuban National Art Schools.

•   Hawthorne's Reading L.A. revisits Hines's 1982 Neutra tome: his effort to connect Neutra's story with his contemporaries "is in the end what gives the book its heft and satisfying scope."

•   A year ago, drawings of a turn-of-the-century Tampa master were found in hundreds of tubes in an attic; now much is on view in "The Built, The Lost, The Dream: The Architecture of M. Leo Elliott."


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