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Today’s News - Thursday, January 27, 2011

•   A series of Q&A's with an interesting mix of experts re: some of the critical issues architects will face in the next 10 years, like LEED, suburbia, and criticism.

•   Kolko's 3-parter re: "strategies for making ideas flow fast, after you've done your homework."

•   Zandberg thoughtfully analyzes two separate plans to exhibit Jewish building and Arab history - they're really two sides of the same coin.

•   Philly's new National Museum of American Jewish History: the "design philosophy here can be summed up as 'more is more.'"

•   If the Mirdif City Center Mall in Dubai is green, "the emperor must have been wearing clothes."

•   Merrick gives thumbs-up to Alsop's new school in London: "resembles a jolly and rather corpulent space shuttle, or a shiny glass-and-metal Alsopworld the artily unexpected is a given" (and the kids love the loos).

•   Farrell's 120-story tower planned for Beijing is "shaped like a traditional Chinese wine vessel."

•   Some of the "weirdest, ultra-futuristic urban space ideas are being tried out in Asia," putting it "at least parts of it - on the verge of a magical transformation of its urban landscape" (new urbanism included).

•   India's venerable master Doshi (he "is to Indian architecture what John Lennon is to the international music world") doesn't disappoint an eager audience.

•   Let's play Betaville: "A living city is always in Beta."

•   NYC's Center for Architecture hosts a 2-day film fest starting tomorrow.


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