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Today’s News - Monday, November 15, 2010

•   ArcSpace brings us eyefuls of Calatrava in Rio, and Kimmel Eshkolot Architects in Jerusalem.

•   Birnbaum enters the New Urbanism vs. Landscape Urbanism fray: architects' "co-option...has resulted in a revealing turf war...landscape architects should respond, 'game on'."

•   Williams takes on the "beauty debate": we "certainly need to reclaim beauty, but actually, we need to reclaim it from those very philistines who are pretending to defend it" (Happy-Clappy Architecture included).

•   An in-depth look at the school that wants to eat New York: "By charm and brute force" NYU wants to add 6 million square feet - is its president "the new Robert Moses"? (and an architect snipes at an architect - who is not amused).

•   Gazprom tower (remember that?) is back in the news: the sums money invested so far are so large, it's most likely a done deal, whether "it spoils sights of St. Petersburg or not."

•   London's mayor says he'll "prioritize design" with a different (smaller) version of Design for London: "Be of good cheer, it will all be OK" (there's hope?).

•   Saffron minces no words about Philly's new National Museum of American Jewish History overlooking Independence Mall: "the architecture is decidedly downbeat...strikingly inward-looking and closed off from its surroundings...This is architecture that exudes unease" (ouch!).

•   A historian "pities" the museum (and the architects, it seems): "If the museum would have to give up the building, the next tenant would have very little trouble adjusting it to its own needs."

•   Kamin, meanwhile, cheers Jahn's "heroic, if unlikely, vision for Navy Pier: Yes, it's over the top and, in all likelihood, ridiculously expensive. But it's full of creative sparks."

•   Rochon x 2: (mostly) thumbs-up for a new outreach facility for the homeless in Toronto "designed with humanity" in mind + "There's something that looks like architectural hope emerging on Ontario's superhighways" (never mind they sit amidst acres of parking).

•   An astounding report (and slide show) of McDonald's $2.4 billion international make-over plans (including a "Martian reeducation camp" for "gonzo experimentation").

•   An effort underway to save projects by "Cambodia's forgotten architect" who "redefined the look of his homeland" in the '60s (some stunners already lost to redevelopment - check out terrific slide show).

•   NYC sprouts a huge green roof (we'd see more if they didn't cost $30/sf, while they're only $2/sf in Germany).

•   Anderton's "action architecture" at the (now closed) California Design Biennial: "Her thoughtful choices set a standard that the other curators struggled to match."

•   Chatfield-Taylor on winning the Vincent Scully Prize: "Today, the problems of our time are not Classicism, but better city planning, infill, energy sources, and sustainability."

•   Litt lists the Cleveland AIA and IIDA 2010 design awards.


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