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Today’s News - Tuesday, June 29, 2010

•   Q&A with Goring & Straja re: how they manage an international practice as a small firm.

•   Spain wants to move ahead with rail tunnel near Gaudi's Sagrada Familia - but perhaps "the worriers have won a small victory."

•   Some very familiar names offer 25 Big Ideas to help make NYC (or anywhere else) "better, smarter, stronger, wealthier and maybe, just maybe, a little friendlier" (some interesting small ideas, too).

•   Shilling shines a light on some hits and misses in promoting civic tourism that should benefit residents - not just tourists: "If place is so important why is it disappearing, along with the organizations responsible for its preservation?"

•   Australia's first Aboriginal architect tells his non-indigenous colleagues who are "often too arrogant to consult indigenous communities": "get over yourselves."

•   King chronicles his ongoing access to the selection process that went into final choice of architect (DS+R) for UC Berkeley's BAM/PFA project: it "evolved into an elaborate ritual that's part business, part seduction."

•   Birnbaum bristles that too many recent and upcoming museum expansions do not consider their existing designed landscapes as part of their collections.

•   L.A.'s port city of Wilmington has big plans for its own High Line (sort of).

•   Rooftop greenhouses that "look a bit like giant larvae with outspread legs" (pix to prove it!) "could help speed the widespread adoption of green roofs."

•   Ouroussoff cheers a near-empty tower that still holds hope: it's an example of how NYC's "recent embrace" of starchitects "can also lead to inspired work from unexpected sources."

•   An eyful of RUR's "temple to Tai-Pop," where "musical culture meets high design" (it will also "work as an urban space during downtimes").

•   University of South Carolina expands its library for special collections with an annex that will "keep the modern feel" of Durell Stones 1959 original, "and play with that a little."

•   Expanding Kahn's 1966 Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (called a 'graduate seminar' for young Indian architects) is a daunting challenge.

•   AIA President George Miller calls on Congress to reconsider proposed legislation that fails to account for the fact that many "architects - a quarter of whom are out of work - are working for S corporations struggling to stave off dissolution."

•   Betsky doesn't object to 2010 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Awards winners: they're "mostly pleasant and perfectly fine, but not great": it "would be nice if design would blow your mind, rather than be bland enough not to mind it."

•   Virginia Tech wins inaugural Solar Decathlon Europe by tweaking "Lumenhaus," its 2009 DC entry (that placed 13th).

•   AIA San Diego celebrates its 50th awards program with "striking" and "vibrant" projects taking top honors.

•   Call for entries: NYC launches urbancanvas Design Competition to develop creative artwork for construction fences, sidewalk sheds, and scaffolds.


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