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Today’s News - Friday, May 7, 2010

•   A note from Denise Scott Brown alerted us to the National Park Service's proposed alterations to Philly's Franklin Court (Venturi and Rauch, 1976), her letter objecting to some of them - and request for public comment so "lovers of this project can weigh in on the proposed changes - there is little time."

•   Hume on Deutsche Bank HQ's LEED Platinum makeover in Frankfurt: the "complex has nothing to recommend it architecturally, but as an example of corporate enlightenment, it stands tall."

•   Just how did FXFowle win SAP Americas HQ LEED Silver expansion? They asked "What about going for Platinum?"

•   Hosey's 10 green building trends for the next decade (#10: "Death to starchitecture").

•   A proposed EPA fly-ash ban could stunt use of green materials.

•   Better news: silent, fully enclosed, bladeless wind turbines are on the way (good news for birds - and the rest of us).

•   Kamin on two of Chicago's urban plazas: one "merits a big thumbs up," the other "a Bronx cheer."

•   Sanders' oh-so thoughtful essay on John Lindsay's "gift for bringing a spirit of joy and 'fun' to New York" (sometimes successful, sometimes not) - movies and art, parks and pedestrians included.

•   Oklahoma City digs out its massive 1964 Pei Plan model - and why it "was despised by the city's locals and outdated in the end."

•   Berlin's new Topography of Terror documentation center's "modest metallic gray building is deliberately sparse and functional" (great slide show).

•   More on SOM's 5th Ave. campus center for The New School - this time with lots of pix.

•   Despite the bad economy, SF Jazz is "making waves with a bold proposal for a historic expansion" in San Francisco.

•   Rose on Maggie's Centres: "uplifting buildings benefit both body and soul. But are they just an architectural placebo?" (terrific slide show).

•   2nd Annual Architect 50: who leads the pack in terms of profitability, design, and commitment to green (metrics make for some surprises).

•   Call for entries: 7th Annual International A/L Light & Architecture Awards (deadline looms!).

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Iovine tours the Richard Meier Model Museum (it reopens for the season today) with the man himself: "You can see what a lousy model maker I was back then."

•   UB architecture students go over the top with "The Living Wall" (great video).

•   Jencks and Heathcote's "The Architecture of Hope" shows off Maggie's Centres' starchitecture, but "most interestingly, however, it shows how much architecture can influence the way people feel."

•   Bayley's "Liverpool: Shaping the City" charts the city's up's and down's through its buildings.

•   "Havana Revisited: An Architectural Heritage" is "marvelous."

•   "Velo: Bicycle Culture and Design" celebrates bicycles as a way of life and icon of modern design.


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