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Today’s News - Thursday, April 29, 2010

•   Here's a not-so-cheery question to ponder: Is the profession of architecture corrupt? Faced with some sticky "ethical conundrums" the answer is yes (and why) - according to Harvard's Center for Ethics.

•   Shanghai World Expo deals with its own ethical conundrums, with claims of "plagiarism over the design of China's pavilion, mascot and theme song."

•   The "father of Singapore's urban planning" shares his views on what goes into creating an ideal city: "fundamentals" are more important than "sexiness" (we'd like to think so, anyway).

•   Hawthorne on Broad's museum plans: "the question is who on the public side will be pushing back - and how effectively" because L.A.'s downtown needs "innovative thinking on the subjects of mobility and civic identity" more than "additional - and immovable - monuments."

•   A new report advocates for - and offers suggestions to achieve - road projects designed for "livability."

•   Eyefuls of San Francisco Transbay Transit Center design (with a "1,000-foot long fountain shaped like a bus. Yes, a bus. Since this is a bus station, get it?").

•   European Capital of Culture 2012, Maribor, Slovenia, picks winning designs for three (very cool) projects along the banks of the river Drava.

•   Kamin on the dog fight brewing in Chicago over design changes to Tigerman's 1981 "doggie in the window" building, with hopes it will result in something "more sympathetic to its still-engaging exercise in postmodern whimsy."

•   The altered profile of Oakland Museum of California is ready for its close-up (will all be pleased?).

•   Cullinan unveils his design for a new Maggie's Centre in Newcastle (it'll be green and very user-friendly).

•   Talk about large-scale up-cycling: a 3-story building made from 1.5 million recycled plastic PET bottles in Taipei is pretty impressive (and looks pretty, too).

•   Canada's Governor General's Medals in Architecture 2010 announced (some impressive projects, great presentation).

•   A good reason to head to France at the end of May: 1st Annual François Ascher Conference will explore the relationship between urban planning research and action (with plans to create an open network think-tank).

•   A new website launches to bring the best New Zealand architects to the world.

•   A "superb infographic" shows what colors mean across 10 cultures (way beyond "red is lucky in China; blue is soothing in the West").

•   Call for entries: YOU Design: show how you use Umbra product(s) in your space (and win more!).


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