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Today’s News - Tuesday, March 30, 2010

•   Six ways we've already geo-engineered the earth, creating "a geological age of mankind's making" (amazing - if depressing - visuals).

•   Forget L.A. and San Francisco - it's the Pacific Northwest that's "most vulnerable to a mega-quake like Chile's" (this from an engineer/earthquake consultant).

•   Hosey on the potential for Wal-Mart to "revolutionize supply chains and utterly redefine the green building market."

•   Austin Williams gives a lively report on a fiery, sometimes ill-tempered debate about architecture and climate change (even Ken Yeang ticked people off).

•   A radical architect says "sustainable" is not a good enough word for what he wants to build.

•   For architects and activists, the design for the Columbia River Crossing between Washington and Oregon is one "only a mother could love...not driven by any single architectural ideal" (even the engineers who designed it agree).

•   Forget Spanish tile or pink stucco - Newport Beach, CA, picks a bold statement inspired by the ocean for its new civic center.

•   Oklahoma City's newest neighborhood is designed specifically for old fashioned window shopping (what a refreshing concept!).

•   Rawsthorn can't shake her dislike of the 2012 Olympics logo; one way to make it better: dump the "dodgy typeface" at least (a student gets it right).

•   Eyefuls of the 2010 European Prize for Urban Public Space winners (some surprises!).

•   Call for entries: The Earth Awards 2010 - A Global Search for Sustainable Innovations; and Pratt's Mobile Voter Registration and Info Center Design Competition.

•   Eight years in the making, PBS premieres "I.M. Pei: Building China Modern" tomorrow: an "intimate portrait of the man who set as his goal nothing less than the redefinition of architecture in modern China."

•   One we couldn't resist: Las Vegas's top five nightclub bathrooms ("the places to go when you have to go" - and pix to prove it).


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