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Today’s News - Thursday, November 19, 2009

•   Hawthorne weighs in on just-released Bush presidential library design: it's "a handsome, contextual piece of architecture" with "little swagger" (that's a good thing).

•   Dillon likes some elements, but elsewhere "things seem muddled and unresolved" (Laura B. says "will not be a shrine").

•   Heathcote has high hopes for Qatar's "extraordinary experiments" that could "provide a counterbalance to the turbo-charged skyline of Dubai."

•   Helsinki has its own towering plans - a whole bunch of 'em.

•   Jacobs visits a Bowery reborn and finds it "a lesson in urban ecology" that represents "the ascendance of a new, more fluid, social aristocracy" (that's both good and bad).

•   LAPD HQ "ploughs no new ground" which sadly proves "if Los Angeles were ever the center of innovative public design, those days are over."

•   King x 2: a new garage makes him look twice: it "may be one of the most dynamic architectural buildings in the area"; and a big thumbs-up for new plan for Old Mint to "bring out the latent dignity of the robust classical design, rather than stressing 21st century glitz."

•   UC Berkeley Art Museum plans still on track, but "whether we work with Toyo Ito & Associates or not is still to be determined."

•   Armenia's Cafesjian Center for the Arts "is a mad work of architectural megalomania and one of the most spectacular museum buildings in ages."

•   APA's report on how cities use parks to create safer neighborhoods.

•   Boddy ponders winners of FormShift Vancouver Design Competition and wonders "how will these good intentions turn into buildings?"

•   2-parter: WPA 2.0: Working Public Architecture winner announced; and the jury weighs in on the next generation urban infrastructure.

•   Poynor spends some quality time with Richard Rogers: though "buffeted" by a prince, the firm "forges ahead with new ideas for old problems that puts the architect's social responsibility" at its heart.

•   Singapore hands out the President's Design Awards.

•   Milka Bliznakov Prize winners put the focus on women in architecture.


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