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Today’s News - Wednesday, November 4, 2009

•   "EcoDistricts" could transform the way urban dwellers live, with Portland, OR, and British Columbia leading the way.

•   Kennicott hails Richard Moe's long tenure as head of the National Trust for Historic Preservation as he plans to "step down from the group he helped make the most powerful voice for historic preservation in the country."

•   Kamin on two Chicago battles for historic preservation: re: Gropius's Reese hospital complex: "Is Chicago trying to win an Academy Award for the theater of the absurd?"; and Michigan Avenue YWCA - can preservationists prevail in at least preserving its façade?

•   U.K. heritage groups "savage" government heritage proposals that treat historic buildings as a burden rather than an asset.

•   Lubell cheers AIA/LA's efforts to change Los Angeles's procurement process for public projects: it's time to base it on design excellence rather than size, experience - and connections.

•   Moore hands out (mostly) high praise for Highbury Square: while it "shows how you can fit a lot of homes on an urban site without feeling crowded," it "isn't quite the surprising landmark it could have been."

•   Pearman cheers Peter Barber Architects' "novel spatial response to the call for high-density urban domestic architecture - they "are busy reinventing housing."

•   King digs into Halprin's living legacy in San Francisco: he "left us a life-size seminar on what makes urban spaces flourish or fail" (even projects that went awry).

•   Saffron has high hopes for Philadelphia finally becoming a bike-friendly city with "a hopeful break in the long-running cycle of animosity" between drivers and bicyclists.

•   Dyckhoff offers a brief history of how previous recessions have inspired young architects: "If we're lucky, this recession, for a whole new generation, could turn out to be very rewarding."

•   A good reason to head to Chicago right now: the inaugural conference of the Association of Architecture Organizations and the Architecture + Design Education Network (with a most impressive list of participants!).

•   Available online as of today: the catalogue for the December 3 Art for Architecture auction to benefit the built environment charity Article 25 (talk about an impressive list!).


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