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Today’s News - Tuesday, September 22, 2009

•   Heathcote on controversial U.S Embassy plans in London: can "overbearing security" and "an architecture of isolation and paranoia" really boost regeneration in a neighborhood "already blighted by gated development"?

•   Controversial Gazprom tower in St. Petersburg wins final approval despite protests.

•   The Cleveland Museum of Art chooses a "highly unorthodox way out" of a "perfect storm" to move ahead with expansion plans.

•   Spain disqualifies an Israeli university from this year's Solar Decathlon because the team is located in "occupied territory."

•   Staten Island naval base transformation to be NYC's first LEED ND (it's only taken more than a decade).

•   Lacayo visits new Dallas Cowboys stadium and finds it "an adroitly glamorous exercise in how to balance muscle and lightness," with not so much groundbreaking architectural features as "smart adaptations, well deployed."

•   Maya Lin's Museum of Chinese in America opens today in NYC: though "a warm and inviting new also harbors a tension that reveals some of the problems with the identity archetype."

•   An impressive design team selected for U.S. Courthouse in San Antonio.

•   Rochon finds architectural ecstasy in Rome, and ruminates on "moments of ecstasy within the architecture of Canada."

•   Fred Kent moves beyond his "smackdown" with Gehry.

•   Hawthorne's touching report on Shulman memorial: more than the photographer "was being eulogized and laid symbolically to rest."

•   A roundup of reports on some of the illuminating speakers at ASLA's annual meeting discussing how to regenerate cities and communities.

•   An amusing (and illustrated) report on riding the new Dubai Metro Rail System on its first day running: "crowds were downright civil, even jovial...It will be interesting to see if that mood lasts."

•   A long list of 2009 MIPIM Asia Awards nominees announced today.

•   AJ rounds up the best in design from the 7th London Design Festival.

•   Call for votes: Greensburg, Kansas/FreeGreen Chain of Eco-Homes Competition.

•   Call for entries: 2010 Rieger Graham Prize for Classical Design Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome (U.S. only).


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