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Today’s News - Monday, August 31, 2009

•   Cities weigh green features vs. expense: "The question is, should you spend more up front if it saves money in the long term?"

•   USGBC ramps up efforts to be sure green buildings really are green (racking up LEED points with bike racks just won't cut it anymore).

•   Giant carbon-eating fly swatters and algae-growing buildings could be important weapons in the climate change war - or are they only "painfully expensive ideas to give us a few more years of safe CO2-spewing"?

•   A more probable weapon: ink-thin solar cells that can be spray-painted onto just about anything.

•   Some Connecticut communities are planning ahead for mixed-income housing, with hopes to "'short-circuit' the usual NIMBY concerns about affordable housing down the road."

•   Jones calls for the word "heritage" to be consigned to history as "a dismissive and patronizing word that smothers great art in deadening nostalgia."

•   MAK Vienna wins one for Rudofsky in Spain.

•   Evidence abounds that good parks are good for the economy (even in hard times).

•   Add to the list the U.K.'s Kielder Water and Forest Park and its six new shelters by five firms.

•   Saffron takes to the tree tops in Philadelphia's Morris Arboretum - and likes the view from an architecture of "imagination, whimsy, and style."

•   Kamin's take on Chicago's newest lakefront "gem": it "elevates the ordinary to something special" (though many comments beg to differ).

•   The Standard straddles the High Line with "grim muscularity and determined assertion"; inside, "a feeling of lightness and spacious Barbarella whimsy" (with shades of Monica Vitti).

•   Calys gives (mostly) thumbs-up to the newest addition to San Francisco's Japantown: "a pleasant, although not architecturally great, addition to the streetscape... it begins to lift the spirit of what was once a vibrant ethnic enclave."

•   A British architect breaks the silence on payment problems in Dubai that "will probably cross his name off many Dubai developers' list. But he appears not to care."

•   Many thoughts on why The Lighthouse failed - and what might become of it ("a private members' club for the creative industries"? sounds a bit off-putting to us).

•   Baillieu calls to "keep The Lighthouse's the only real architecture centre we have."

•   Lots of images of shortlisted designs for Glasgow School of Art "leaked" to AJ (how'd they do that?).

•   Carbuncle Cup 2009 winners announced; jurors mince no words.


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