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Today’s News - Tuesday, August 18, 2009

•   Los Angeles is ground zero when it comes to competing ideologies for addressing homelessness.

•   Heathcote offers an in-depth take on the history - and future - of Islamic architecture in the west and how it "might begin to affect the physical fabric" of cities.

•   Glancey takes on airport architecture and the architects trying to make the best out of an increasingly tricky task of "how to civilize airport design and, even, how to bring back something of the romance of flight."

•   A Portland high-rise sprouts graceful wind turbines to become "a much-needed learning lab for the possibilities of small, urban wind-power systems" (not all are convinced).

•   Saffron gives (mostly) thumbs-up to revised South Street Bridge design: calling it "'architecture' may be stretching things a bit," but it's better than the earlier "no-design alternative."

•   For Britain's faded seaside towns, "art and architecture are now seen as the path to renewed prosperity" (and "sometimes, love is all you need").

•   NYC's mayor "seems more a Medici than a mayor...trying to transform the city on a scale not seen since the days of Robert Moses...based to a large extent on undoing the Moses legacy."

•   Kamin on the continuing saga of the Burnham Plan pavilions (one "now resembles a beaten-up jungle gym"): "Can the public love public art to death? Yes, it can."

•   Baillieu on the new Chelsea Barracks shortlist: it's "interesting...But what's not clear is what they're being asked to plan."

•   Goettsch Partners wins big (again) in China.

•   Another example of princely intervention uncovered (how could we resist).

•   Groves on the newest addition to the Getty archive: some cool stuff from a now defunct furniture store that helped furnish some Case Study houses.

•   Call for entries: urbanSHED International Design Competition to re-think the lowly (ugly) sidewalk shed.

•   Winners all (or not): 2009 BusinessWeek/Architectural Record "Good Design is Good Business" Awards; 7 finalists in the "Intersections: Grand Concourse Beyond 100" competition (some concepts could take hold!); Orchids & Onions: time to toast or roast good and bad architecture and design in San Diego.


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